What is Your...

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What is Your...

Post by Dizi »

As I am on an anti spam kind of day today :p I thought I would take all those annoying silly spammy topics that OG have in the townhall and make it into one so all I ask is... what is your...

Favorite Food
Favorite Drink
Favorite Color(s)
Favorite Letter
Favorite Number
Favorite Animal
Favorite Messenger
Favorite Store
Most Missed Memory
Best Physical Feature
Overused Phrase
First Thought Waking Up
Longest Relationship
School's Name
Favorite TV Show

anything that I have missed then please tell me and I will add it to the list.
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Post by eMTe »

LOL, shampoo and conditioner in one, I like the idea. 8)


Pierogi (dont know if you have ever eaten it, they're made from a common noodle dough and shaped usually as crescent moon) filled with meat and cabbage.






Don't have one. That's the strangest "your favourite..." question I have ever seen. :shock:






My long time dead cat Wafel (Eng translation: Wafer).


Gadu-gadu (Eng translation: Talk-talk).


What store? Online store...? Anyway, my fav is "Rogalik" about 300 metres from my home, it always has my fav ciggies. ^_^

Missed memory.

Dont want to talk about it. Ok, ok, it's a woman... :cry:

Physical feature.

Dont ask me. But so far about ten or twelve representatives of opposite sex told me that Ive got "romantic" hair, whatever that means. :roll:

Overused phrase.

As a stubborn person I almost always say "no". Family legend claims that the first word I spoke as a child was "no", but personally I dont believe in fables. :p

First thought waking up.

Damn! It's noon again! :?


I'm not Arnie, but I dont regret it.


Swimming in deep water (I was drowning as a small child).

Longest relationship.

Too long and never should have happened.

School's name.

Too long to write it here. ;)

Fav TV Show.

Hmmm... I go for Monty Python's Flying Circus.

After writing all this I like the idea even more. I wonder what spammer will go through all these questions... Very good idea, Dizi.

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Post by Dizi »

Well the idea is that when the point system comes into place and people come here to get games and collect points they can't start these silly little one word answer threads as it will hopfully all be covered by this and a couple of other ones that I will release on everyone in the future if this one is a sucsess :D

As for me

Favorite Food: tika chicken
Favorite Drink: Pepsi (non alcoholic) Malibu (alcoholic)
Favorite Color(s): Purple
Favorite Letter: N
Favorite Number: 92
Candy: I'm not picky :p
Favorite Animal: Hamster
Favorite Messenger: yahoo
Favorite Store: game and gamestation
Most Missed Memory: I miss placed this one
Best Physical Feature: I have been told my eyes or my smile
Overused Phrase: 'Neil what the hell do you think your doing'
First Thought Waking Up: errrrgghhh 10 more minutes
Weakness: fast food
Fears: flying
Longest Relationship: 6 years and still going strong
Favorite TV Show: bewitched
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Post by Chroelle »

Favorite Food: My GF does something with Pasta and Mornay sauce that tastes great, even though it is not of big culinaric value
Favorite Drink: Coke and the odd Carlsberg (Gin and Orange juice is my favourite spirit.
Favorite Color(s): Blue, white, black and red
Favorite Letter: C
Favorite Number: 15, 51 (I cant seem to figure out if I love the letter 1 more than 5)
Candy: I think if it includes sugar, then I like it....
Favorite Animal: Dog. Maybe fish too.
Favorite Messenger: MSN
Favorite Store: Hmmmm. Netto? A cheap daily goods store.
Most Missed Memory: OG golden days (You cant make me talk of RL memory)
Best Physical Feature: Well, I'm not sure, but my GF likes my general looks. She says that my upperbody is good, so I'm gonna go for that, and that sounds horribly vain... Damned... My eyes.... I don't know.
Overused Phrase: I say a lot of weird things every day... :roll:
First Thought Waking Up: Oh no...Not again.
Weakness: Ciggies and my GF
Fears: I like to face my fears, but some are not pleasant to face. Loosing my GF, not being able to get a child, stuff like that.
Longest Relationship: 4 years soon. And still going strong :D
Favorite TV Show: 24 (used to be friends) (simpsons is way up there too, along with CSI)
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Post by Chillum »

Good idea, Dizi! ;) :clap:

Favorite Food: Balls In Curry (Don't know if I can translate it like this?)

Favorite Drink: Beer

Favorite Color: Orange

Favorite Letter: S

Favorite Number: 9

Candy: Winegum

Favorite Animal: Dog

Favorite Messenger: MSN

Favorite Store: All-night shops

Most Missed Memory: Aeh?

Best Physical Feature: Don't know..

Overused Phrase: "Grabs a beer...*

First Thought Waking Up: "Smoooke.."

Weakness: Do I have any? :roll:

Fears: Chicks with d*cks? :roll: dont know..

Longest Relationship: 7 months

School's Name: Osted Fri- og Efterskole

Favorite TV Show: Simpsons/Futurama
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Post by FogToo »

Favorite Food : Anything fat is good :)
Favorite Drink : Anything with more than 30%
Favorite Color(s) : Always been pink
Favorite Letter : ñ Was very fascinated by the Spanish? letter ñ
Favorite Number: 1.85482642 × 10^134 which is 88! :)
Candy : Not into the sweets thing.. Better like salty peanuts
Favorite Animal : My parents dog :)
Favorite Messenger : IRC
Favorite Store : The local pizza pusher
Best Physical Feature : Soft and smooth :D
Overused Phrase: Doh! Mostly IRL ;)
First Thought Waking Up : When is it weekend ?
Weakness : Have a hard time talking in a phone.. It can take several days before i ring someone I need to talk to..
Fears : Acrofobia (afraid of heights)
Longest Relationship : Less than a week.. Have a trouble of commitment
School's Name : KU Copenhagen univercity
Favorite TV Show : No doubt about that one.. Only series I see.. Simpsons.
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Post by Pitkin »

Favourite (sorry, cannot resists adding the u into 'favorite' :mrgreen:) Food: Impossible to answer. ^^;
Favourite Drink: Cola or tea. Milk during meals, though.
Favourite Colour(s): Blue, green, yellow, red and orange in no specific order.
Favourite Letter: I guess it should be U after the 'colour' and 'favourite' issues, but I like K, E and F. :mrgreen:
Least Favourite Letter: Combinations of M and O
Favourite Number: e #EDIT: also 11, 13 and 41 #EDIT2: of course, and 72 :mrgreen:
Favourite Candy: Milk chocolate and salted liquorice ^_^
Favourite Animal(s): Dog #EDIT: also cow and pig
Favourite Messenger: MSN Messenger
Favourite Store: Fennica Comics in Helsinki, the best manga selection I've ever seen so far (well, not seen much but anyway). ^_^
Most Missed Memory: Online, the era between April '03 and August '04.
Best Physical Feature: Hee. Don't know about the best, though.
Overused Phrase: 'Aww, shucks.' or '*sits in a corner*'
First Thought Waking Up: 'Beads, beads...'
Weakness: Poor self-discipline and somewhat low self esteem.
Fears: Losing my few friends, online and/or in real life.
Longest Relationship: Exactly as long as my laughter.
School's Name: University of Tampere
Favourite TV Show: Fawlty Towers
Favourite Music Genre (thanks, Ancsur-san): Anything that doesn't hurt my ears or consist of saying 'yo' multiple times.

Favourite subject(s) back in sixth form / high school: Mathematics, physics, English, history
Favourite anime character(s): Fuu Hououji and Gai Daigoji
Favourite internet phenomenom: OS-tan
Most expected event to come: World Cup 2006
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Post by Ancsur2002 »

Favorite Food: umm... fried coated Camambert cheese with bilberry jam and rice
Favorite Drink: REAL milk that comes directly from the cow, no pasteurizing.
Favorite Color(s): Black and Red, obviously
Favorite Letter: CS (this is one letter in Hungary)
Favorite Number: 26
Candy: 99%chocolate with chili
Favorite Animal: cat, and I own one
Favorite Messenger: I hate them
Favorite Store: The streets
Most Missed Memory: when I could spend a whole week without my parents.
Best Physical Feature: eyes
Overused Phrase: all right, then let's...
First Thought Waking Up: my bf
Weakness: impetuous, very low self esteem
Fears: losing my parents because I love someone they hate
Longest Relationship: the present one. For 2 years now
School's Name: ELTE University
Favorite TV Show: Outer Limits
Favorite music genre: gothic
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Post by Monteque »

Favorite Food: Anything with chicken

Favorite Drink: Beer

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Letter: J

Favorite Number: 22

Candy: Winegum

Favorite Animal: Dog

Favorite Messenger: Trillian

Favorite Store: EB Games, TP Musik (Great music and movie store)

First Thought Waking Up: "Damn another day"

Weakness: Are a little shy. Don't talk so much.

School's Name: None

Favorite TV Show: Futurama, Charmed
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Post by Chillum »

Ancsur2002 wrote:....
Candy: 99%chocolate with chili
Ehm... Can that be explained? :roll:
Ancsur2002 wrote:....
Fears: losing my parents because I love someone they hate
I didn't quite get that? :? Heh..
Ancsur2002 wrote:....
Favorite music genre: gothic
Oh yearh, I forgot that :P Mine is rock/Heavy metal ;)
[u][b][color=indigo]:Givemebeer:....................It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's.....................:Givemebeer:[/color][/b][/u]

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Post by espenso84 »

Favorite Food: a REALLY bloody steak

Favorite Drink: Alcohol (except martini)

Favorite Color: Black and Red

Favorite Letter: E as in Espen

Favorite Number: 6 or 69

Candy: Jelly-shots

Favorite Animal: Dog

Favorite Messenger: MSN

Favorite Store: Any place you can buy alcohol I guess

First Thought Waking Up: Same shit, Different day. (BTW, I am a same(Native norwegian)

Weakness: I´m shy and I tend to drink too much sometimes

School's Name: hmmm, life?

Favorite TV Show: TV??? MAD TV maybe

EDIT; Favorite car: Nissan Skyline, Dodge Viper OR Ford Mustang SVT Cobra
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Post by Ancsur2002 »

Chillum wrote:
Ehm... Can that be explained? :roll:
There is a type of chocolate that is made of 99% cocoa (and not plastic or artificial flavors) and it is flavored with chili :twisted:
Chillum wrote:....
Fears: losing my parents because I love someone they hate

I didn't quite get that? :? Heh..
My mother hates my boyfriend so much that she threatens me that she will kill herself if I stay with him, his only fault being divorced that my mother cannot accept :( So I dare not to talk about him at home, cause I don't want her to commit suicide, neither my father to hate me...
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Post by espenso84 »

You´ve got quite a dillemma going on there... But why is she so upset about him being divorced? Is your family very religious or something? (you don´t have to answer if you don´t want to, my questions can sometimes be too personal.)
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Post by Guybrush »

Favorite Food - too many options to choose from
Favorite Drink - tea
Favorite Color(s) - blue
Favorite Letter - q
Favorite Number - 1,6180339887
Candy - chocolate
Favorite Animal - dog
Favorite Messenger - gaim
Favorite Store - Bookstores
Most Missed Memory - no idea
Best Physical Feature - get someone else to judge
Overused Phrase - 'eeeeeh' or 'what do ya mean'
First Thought Waking Up - just five more minutes
Weakness - insecure
Fears - not being good enough - getting lonely
Longest Relationship - nevermind that
School's Name - Aarhus Universitet
Favorite TV Show - Midsomer Murders
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Post by Chillum »

Ancsur2002 wrote:
Chillum wrote:
Ehm... Can that be explained? :roll:
There is a type of chocolate that is made of 99% cocoa (and not plastic or artificial flavors) and it is flavored with chili :twisted:
Chillum wrote:....
Fears: losing my parents because I love someone they hate

I didn't quite get that? :? Heh..
My mother hates my boyfriend so much that she threatens me that she will kill herself if I stay with him, his only fault being divorced that my mother cannot accept :( So I dare not to talk about him at home, cause I don't want her to commit suicide, neither my father to hate me...
Wow, I'd like to try one of these chocolates! :D:D

Oh, I get it now.. I just read it in a wrong way.. :P
I'm sorry to hear that about your BF and parents and so.. :( Hope it will get better by time.. :)
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Post by Ancsur2002 »

espenso84 wrote:You´ve got quite a dillemma going on there... But why is she so upset about him being divorced? Is your family very religious or something? (you don´t have to answer if you don´t want to, my questions can sometimes be too personal.)
she is too JEALOUS... and she hates everyone who is happy... AND she is religious, and had some bad experiences in life, whatever... anyway, she hates everything I do, so this is just one of them... and I STILL love her, and don't want her to kill herself... :cry:
I just hope that she will accept us someday...
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Post by espenso84 »

I´m sorry about that. Sometimes you wish you could choose your own family but you can´t.... My dad is a drug-addict who I first saw when I was abqaout 16. I speak very little with him, and I really wish that he wasn´t addicted to drugs, but he is. Nowadays I sometimes bump into him on the street in Fredrikstad, when he´s begging for money. Makes me kind of sad, but there is nothing I can do about it. :cry:
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Post by Dot O'Rock »

Favorite Food - Spaghetti and minced meat with parmesan ^_^
Favorite Drink - Coffee, water and beer
Favorite Color(s) - Red
Favorite Letter - A combination of W, T, and F
Favorite Number - 42. Naturally.
Candy - Salmiak (or salted licorice for all you foreigners living abroad)
Favorite Animal - Doggies
Favorite Messenger - Oldskool Trillian (v. 0.92 :P )
Favorite Store - Almost any record store
Most Missed Memory - Dunno
Best Physical Feature - Dunno
Overused Phrase - "Dunno" and "My hovercraft is full of eels"
First Thought Waking Up - ...ciggie...coffee...work...
Weakness - Addictive nature
Fears - Heights
Longest Relationship - Stiiiiiiiiill going!
School's Name - None
Favorite TV Show - ATM Deadwood, all time: Babylon 5, Outer limits and Monty Python's flying circus
Favorite music genre - Anything that floats my boat (atm probably either lounge jazz or thrash metal :D)
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Post by Railwaymodeler »

Favorite Food--- most any flavor of ice cream
Favorite Drink--- A&W Root beer
Favorite Color(s)--- don't have one
Favorite Letter--- who has a favorite letter?
Favorite Number-- see above, but replace 'letter' with 'number
Candy--- Butterfinger
Favorite Animal--- Cat
Favorite Messenger--- YIM
Favorite Store--- Friends Hobby, a few blocks away
Most Missed Memory--- My set of four 64 MB SIMM sticks, sold them for a good price though
Best Physical Feature--- as I've been told, my eyes
Overused Phrase--- don't have one
First Thought Waking Up--- How long do I have till the next bus rolls through and who drives it?
Weakness--- Kryptonite, no actually it's real blood and guts, like watching a surgery or something
Fears- driving around trucks and a terrorist attack in Chicago
Longest Relationship--- about a month or so.
School's Name--- out
Favorite TV Show--- none (Thank god)
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Post by Ancsur2002 »

espenso84 wrote:I´m sorry about that. Sometimes you wish you could choose your own family but you can´t.... My dad is a drug-addict who I first saw when I was abqaout 16. I speak very little with him, and I really wish that he wasn´t addicted to drugs, but he is. Nowadays I sometimes bump into him on the street in Fredrikstad, when he´s begging for money. Makes me kind of sad, but there is nothing I can do about it. :cry:
:cheekkiss: :comfort: :cheekkiss:
The Bible teaches you that thou shalt love thy neighbour. Kama Sutra teaches you how.

Hungarian Scorpio of the Forums
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