Mistakes in game-site

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Mistakes in game-site

Post by Chroelle »

Well after going over every single game download site tonight I found some issues. This is all related to the mail-addresses.
But feel free to use this for reporting other issues too.
- Broken downloadlinks
- Broken links to developersites.
- Errors in data.
- Additional info for a particular game. (like if we dont have the developers email and you do.)

Well here are the email-adresses that doesn't exist anymore:
[email protected] for Commando 2004
[email protected] for Dink Smallwood
[email protected] for Star Wars - Battle for Yavin and Battle for Endor
[email protected] for Fleafall
[email protected] for Garfield: attack of the mutant lasagna
[email protected] for Spuds Quest
[email protected] bounces me for not being a member of the board. Meaing that no mails will be received by non-members.
[email protected] for The uncertainty Machine

These were all the mail delivery failures I got.
This by the way also means that by November 13th 2007 all developers who has their original mailadresses now know we changed domainnames.
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