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Post by Maz »

Here are the ranks info:

Code: Select all

CWF default                             Maz                                     Dotty's                         Points 

slave                                   printf()                                Pong player                     0
servant                                 if - else                               Space invader                   5
Unemployed                              for(;;)                                 Likely to be eaten by a Grue    10
Servant                                  scanf()                                Suffering from Pacman fever     25
Indentured Servant                      fopen()                                 Defender                        50
Free slave                              EOF                                     Jouster                         75
Poor Citizen                            Pointer                                 Donkey Kong enthusiast          100
Struggling artist                       Segmentation Fault                      Hungry Horace                   150
Student                                 malloc()                                CATS fan                        200
Citizen                                 Memory Leak                             Italian plumber                 250
Teacher                                 free()                                  Elite commander                 320
Street merchant                         realloc()                               Purple meteor                   400
Farmer                                  Enum                                    Alien mindbender                500
Reputable citizen                       Struct                                  Wing Commander                  600
Shop keeper                             Typedef                                 Wannabe pirate                  700
Merchant                                Cast                                    NetHacker                       800
Small plantation owner                  typedef void (*foo)(int bar)            Street fighter                  900
Large plantation owner                  fork()                                  Mortal kombatant                1000
Big plantation owner                    Deadlock                                Syndicate leader                1200
Honored citizen                         Mutex                                   Purple tentacle                 1400
High class citizen                      Semaphore                               Doomguy                         1600
Politician                              Reentrant                               Sectoid leader                  1800
Statesman                               socket()                                Master of magic                 2000
Officer                                 signal()                                Master of Orion                 2300
Sergeant                                shmget()                                Dungeon keeper                  2600
General                                 printk()                                King of the iron fist           3000
Warhero                                 struct file_operations{ ... }, ioctl()  Master of Teräs käsi            3500
Legend                                  sys_call_table[__NR_open]               Going Postal!                  4000

Last edited by Maz on Mon Aug 06, 2007 0:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: In the deepest ShadowS

Post by Maz »

Updated (Added Dotty's gaming related rank list :) )

And an explanation.
The ranks above are assigned to members, according to their 'points'. Points can be gained by helping the site with:
1. game suggestions (All accepted && uploaded games will increase your points count)
2. Reviews. Each accepted review will add your points count, relatively to rating of your review.
3. posts. Posts will be increasing the points count too, but they do have only a minimal impact compared to the game suggestions and reviews.

You can decide which ranking 'tree' you wish to use. You can change it from your profile link at the top of the site.