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Post by Dizi »

Ok here is my sugestion, think of it as you wish but let me put forward my argument first.

My sugestion is to get rid of the SOSM and the league, by get rid of I simply mean that these types of groups should not be allowed to exist on the forum, not to get rid of those members in these groups.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and should be allowed to express them in their own way, but I believe groups such as the league and SOSM take this one step to far.

They try their hardest to put down those people who choose a different method of forum life to them. They name call and creat an unpleasent atmosphere in the forum, by demanding people see things their way and creating trouble for those who do not join.

They believe that just because they chose to post longwinded topics in The Symposium, and council chambers that those who decided to post smaller posts and be more social are below them...calling what they do 'white noise'

The demands to get rid of all the things they do not agree with pushes this forum further and further away from its goal... We want this forum to be a sucess, we want it to get more members. But when other come to this site and see how demanding and condescending behaviour towards some of the members will only drive them away. I mean who would want to join a forum where others try to dictate how they should post.

These groups make this environment a unpleasent place to be, simply because they feel that it is perectly acceptible to behave towards others the way that they are.

Fair enough if you the indervidual member wish to post only in one subforum of the entire forum then that is up to you. I don't want to take this right away from you, I just want to take away the groups that try and push their own opinions on to other members.

We all come to forums for fun, to get away from day to day life, to see other people from different contries opinions on subjects and to meet people that we wouldn't get the chance to meet if it wasn't for places like this. Yet this place isn't being any of those things to me anymore. I find myself coming and posting here less and less, I find myself not wanting to help out the forum the way that I used to. I find myself being pushed away from here simply because of groups like the league and SOSM being so demanding and telling me that where I am posting is wrong and that I should post in places that have little to no intrest to me what so ever. I don't come here to talk politics I come here to chat about games and see how people I have gotten to know over the past two years of going to OG, BD and here are doing in their lives. To some that maybe boring, but this is a freeware gaming site and forum.

So in short I feel as though the groups that are being formed create a unwelcoming atmosphere and not only that but are driving people to take sides and not post where they want, but where they are told...where is the fun in this?
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Post by Eric »

Um, excuse my ignorance, but what is "the SOSM" and "the league"?
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Post by Dizi »

The league, was set up on oldgames to try and stop people expressing themselves how they want to...it then leaked over to black diamond and now onto here


SOSM was set up on here originally set up to create intresting topics and debates, not such a bad idea...but the way it went about it was't so great, it would push its beliefs down peoples throats and those that did not follow were considered below them and are 'as intresting as white noise'

http://curlysworldoffreeware.com/viewto ... =5411#5411

At first I thought these groups were quite funny in the way that they went about and in some cases a little desprate. Now I just see them as OTT and trying to take over how people should be allowed to post here. Basically groups like this are creating a bad atmosphere on the forum and although I don't mind the members of these groups, I believe that they should post what they want, and allow others to post how they want as inderviduals and not try and create a forum where some members look down on others. I have been to forums like that where some members thought they were better than others, because of their posting methods or in other cases because of how long they had been there. I don't want this forum to end up like this, I want everyone to be able to post where they want and how they want without a group of members that have banded together telling them that it is wrong to do so and that they have to post in a correct manner and in only two or three sub-forums.

I know that what I am saying contradicts its self in the 'I want every member to be able to do as they want, but I think these groups should be abolished' Its simply because of the atmosphere that these groups are begining to create.
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Post by Eric »

Dizi wrote:The league was set up on oldgames to try and stop people expressing themselves how they want to
Parvini wrote:"The League" is an organization committed to democracy and freedom of speech
I really must be missing something. Your definition and Parvini's seem at odds. And since I don't visit OG anymore, (other than some PMs I had forgotten to attend to recently), I'm not really sure of the sort of behaviour which leads you to feel the way you do.

You know what I do when I don't like the way a forum heads?

I leave.

Perhaps the members of SOSM (sounds like a strong sneeze) should look elsewhere for their ramblings, pseudo-intellectual as they are.


Oh, excuse me.

*wipes nose*

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Post by eMTe »

I think you overreact Dizi. 8)

Leagues like those who started to rise like mushrooms after rain (OG, BD and CWF) are the result of I'm-the-VIP-here syndrome. They are created by people who feel their forum position is so strong that whatever they'll do will be funny, entertaining and so great that others will fall down to their knees. I'm not innocent, started my private "eMTe's topic" on BD (you too :D ) just before I realised that this is no longer fun, because sth what should have been throwaway act turned into its caricature.

On the other side threads like these are usually visited by proper receivers - a group of friends of the thread creator. Those who can be potentially harmed - people with bad English command, bar "avoiders" and newbies dont read it and even if they'll read it they usually dont understand what this community within community is talking about. In short - I think such topics are harmless, but definitely pointless.

At least less harmless than DL's spam topic in OG French corner which is the perfect example of the syndrome I mentioned above. One word comes to my mouth: STUPID.
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Post by Scythe »

I haven't read any of those threads, nor felt the desire to. If these topics are developed in an aggressively elitist manner, as you seem to say, I wouldn't feel any qualms about shutting them down. Or putting them in a private forum you'd have to do something active to gain access to, with proper warnings that you may be subjected to condescending behavior, or whatever it is these topics seem to be generating. Call it a VIP Lounge, if that's what they feel like. Just a suggestion.
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Post by Chroelle »

As far as I have noticed in the smilie execution thread I dont think there is a problem anymore. I think the two parts came to a solution. Correct me if I am wrong.
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Post by eMTe »

The main problem with such topics is that they are usually open only for small group of people, that's how webforums evolve, there's certain group of people who know well each other and they more or less consciously start to talk in elitist manner. You can see it everywhere, this is general problem, not limited to one forum. That's why I think this forum should be built around gaming section, then all bars, leagues and societies will lose it's importance. If we need new members (and we need them badly) our policy should be as much newbie oriented as possible. There's no problem on OG with this as newbies usually make their first steps in OG clan posting in half-spammy "best of" threads. CWF gaming forum section which is to some extent equivalent to OG clan should be most alive place here, open for newbies, oldbies and everyone who wants to post and take part in discussion. Otherwise, forum which has to play support role for the main site will soon divide as OG did: gaming part where lots of people post (sometimes valuable posts), but they remain unknown for "bar" community and bars/societys/leagues part with people talking about things only they understand. I want to be understood properly: it's not that bar topics and various leagues are totally useless, I just think emphasis should go to gaming section. And this can be achieved by wise policy (in other words - making gaming section alive and flourishing), not by criticizing those who want to post elsewhere...
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Post by Dizi »

no worries a solution has been reached with SOSM, and both parties seem happy with the agreement :D