The little Inn by the wayside

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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by Tormuse »

Something that might interest Jayenkai: I was playing the Platdude variant of your game, Arcade Slots, on my phone the other day and hit the "Jackpot" and got a new high score of 6180! (My previous high score was 5830 if my post from five years ago is to be believed. :)

I admit I haven't visited your site much in a while, but I still play your games on my phone fairly frequently. JNKAtoms, Arcade Slots, and Platdude Golf (yeah, I know you never liked that one) get a lot of gameplay still. :)
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by jayenkai »

Aww :D
Yeah, it's nice to look back at the archives.

The current "Shoebox" engine is really a lot more powerful than I was expecting. Assuming you've a half-decent mobile, it should run fairly smoothly.
It should also now cache properly, so you can play whilst offline, which was one of my initial intentions but took bloomin' ages to get working.

I've been slightly tempted to start making "proper" games in the new engine, too, but every set of sprites and sounds that I add, bulks up that initial cache quite significantly, and .. Hmm.. :/
So far, most everything added to the Shoebox has had more than one use, but "proper" games would require more specific files.
Not sure the best way around that, if I'm honest. But it's definitely something I'm working on.

And Atoms is definitely already on the big Shoebox todo-list. I loved that game!
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

Games feelings engines

Properties defaults principles
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by jayenkai »

I've only gone and dun it! is the start of the "Proper AGameAWeek Games running in your browser" collection.
Should run nicely on your desktop, or on a half-decent mobile/tablet, too.
If you're on mobile, tap the little icon on the bottom left of the menu, to bring up the touchscreen controls.
Other than that, any compatible gamepad, or even your bog standard keyboard controls, should all happily function, too.

The overall size of the site (it cache's to your device like Shoebox does) is just over 1Mb, which is a DRASTIC improvement on Shoebox, which is up to about 10Mb, already!
Shoebox has much larger assets, though, including a whole deck of cards and a giant wordlist.
Browsercade is just sprites, sounds and some oldskool chiptunes, so everything's a bit more compact.

Anyway, if you do give it a go, be sure to let me know how you get on.
Like I say, it needs a half decent mobile/tablet to run smoothly, so.. No 'El Cheapo-Phone, I'm afraid!
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by jayenkai »

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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

No, I've just read an article that people no longer communicate, meant as exchanging thoughts, cooperating, learning something etc. They - me included - just surround themselves with comforting set of words and images and radiate this more or less swallowable mixture of biotechnological pulp onto others.

As an early adopter I can admit I feel a bit proud of myself, because 7 years ago, talking to our regular customer (cognitive philosopher btw) I said to him that everything has already been said or otherwise explained, so communication is no longer required and human units should gravitate towards humming. Or echolalia. Or dancing. Or painting.

As a very shy person, I'll stick to the withdrawn gentle humming.
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

In times when even ebay posts are constructed like drunken market-oriented poetry.

How's retrogaming life, whoever survived?
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by jayenkai »

I'm still here, doing what I do.
If you have SmileBASIC on your Switch, there's 59 games by me! Hurray! I'm insane!!
Otherwise, fit and stable.
Been locked inside since March, so, many games and not much else going on.
Ho hum..
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

Gotta admit, I dont follow your output, but Im getting increasingly interested in getting your output known to The World.

I am really and truly disgusted with mainstream understood literally as mainstream and folks getting algorithmized on a social everyday basis, left with no space for madness

Go on with whatever makes you happy and never ever succumb to trends or moods
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Post by jayenkai »

I've given up trying.
Now I just enjoy the making, and if anyone wants to come along for the ride, then so be it.

Got a lot of new Japanese followers this past year, though, so that's .. different! SmileBASIC came out in Japan last year, and I started making weekly games. It only came out worldwide a cou0e of months ago.
Having a somewhat captive audience has been fun!!
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

Having audience is fun, sure, but freedom will remain funnier forever.
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

How is everyone.

I am having fearsome fun contacting outside folk through CWF, but - on the other hand - we all have at least 40 years of potential mutual contact coming.

Between Jack Nicholson, Zyx, Scythe, Batman, Poirot, nazism, mathematics, poetry, Freud, Amiga, John Cleese, our parents, forums. There must be something in between. F sake.

Ill be this winter in Helsinki, if ai
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by jayenkai »

I'm still slogging away, churning out the hits using SmileBASIC on Switch. I've done over 100 games on there, now!!
I'm also writing my own version of BASIC that runs in the browser.. is the place for that.
I'm home-life, not too much going on. Just the usual daily life. Nothing to report.
Carry on, eh!
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

Helsinki THIS New Year OG/CWF meeting that is.

Pm me if youre interested. I am fully capable of getting everything organised. Hotels, restaurants and stuff.

Im serious.

I am short ugly sorta-human anxiety-ridden cluster of atoms, girl- and generally social-afraid, inventing events, so there is no need to expect typical bearded sexual predator you know from movies and who will dominate everybody around and make money of you or suck the money from your account. To the contrary, you can from me.

Even if this going to be one of those tiny "forgettable" things you ever did.
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by jayenkai »

I'm out.
I can barely walk at all outdoors, let alone get to another country..
Plus, don't have a passport.
Plus don't have the money.
Plus have been mostly indoors throughout covid, and knowing my luck, the second I dare to do anything worth doing, I'll end up with the damn thing!!!
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

Oh boy. I am out too of course.

Funny thing is, this dreuamnk-like pshist was just a spin-off of my most successful trollmance to date.

3k likes and 250 answrs. Counter keeps reverbarating. Makes one wondering what is internet, how it infects people, what they DO write, when, why, what foUr, how they will learn to talk again post-internet. Earth keeps circling around its axis, so it keeps. Oh, it keeps circling, Doc

Doesnt change the fact I will indeed visit ONE OF SCANDINAVIAN countries this winter and I will let myself float with random native present. I made this exercise in Holland this Sept and left them puny with awe. Wittgenstein gave all his money away just like this, so I can die kissing a homo Eskimo with a 90 percent breath like those bees killed penguins.

For no reason, like running Alien Incident properly with DOSBox was anything worthwile.

Alphabet is a XXII lake mirror.
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by Zyx »

In silly little things I probably shouldn't have time for, this forum is now updated to latest phpBB version.

If things don't work and you can't login or whatever, come and complain on Discord at
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by jayenkai »

Congrats on the upgrade.
Super stuff!!
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Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Post by eMTe »

On another note, to whoever reads it.

Before we all (and Sun, soon) die, you should still feel free to meet other members of OG/Blackdiam/CWF.

Offline (oh no!!).

For no logical reasons. One thing is sure, I am dada. You wont earn or lose money on meeting me. It will be as boring as meeting a late XIX century painter in his prime. Mumbling bearded uncle. Aunt drinking tea.

C'mon you folk.
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