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Note for moderators and slandering members

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 19:15
by Chroelle
Well, just look at this: ... ok_online/

Feel free to post links that really tears down someone, as long as you didn't write them it seems ok... :D

I think this is pretty much an ethical call wether mods should react on these kinds of cases...

Would you react if someone flamed hitler in here? Or what about Bill Gates... (I didn't compare... they are just very reasonable to assume flaming of might happen).
(By react I dont mean join in....)

What would make you react? What would it take for you as a member or a mod to step in....

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 0:49
by Scythe
"Someone" is not allowed to flame anybody. "Someone" could quote "someone else" flaming another, then everybody but "someone else" have their backs free... apparently.

But... nobody should flame in this forum, whether directly or quoted. Unless you decide the CWF forum is the "Come Whither and Flame" forum. We're allowed to have our own house rules. Otherwise, why have moderators?

I say, "Just say No to Flames!"

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:33
by Chroelle
Fire - bad....!

Thats what I have been saying for a month and a half now...

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 0:19
I say that as long as the debate stays within my limits of decency, civilsation and the arguments have foundations anyone can discuss anything (within the subject and rules of the corner and thread)

Of course if saomebody tries to start a war on my corner just for the sake of battle they are so screwed that they won't even imagine what hit them

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 16:52
by Baldie
In these cases common sense should prevail, the main reason laywers are upset is because they are not getting their percentage from court awarded payouts.
As far as flaming and or abuse of members go- then it is up to the Mods and Admins to put a stop to it using whatever powers they have.
The problem can be in determining what is intended as abuse and what was put in as a joke- As an example I might be talking to someone from New Zealand and call him a bl**dy Kiwi, chances are he will then turn around and call me a bl**dy pakeha- no offence intented and none taken.
However if I was to refer to someone of Arab origin as a towelhead, then that is an ethnic slur, which can not be tolerated.
The main problem lies in that it is a very fine line you walk when engaging in that sort of comment, and if someone takes it the wrong way, then you either apologise in public, or explain why you used that term.
The safest way on Forums is just not to abuse anyone unless that person is a friend and knows you mean no harm by what you say.
Now to Quote Eric- my 2 cents worth.