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Should I leave OG?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:17
by Parvini
I wanted to discuss this here because it feels right to and because I haven't totally made my mind up yet.

The recent departure of eMTe might prove to be the final nail in the coffin for me. I increasingly feel very sorry for Dizi who seems to be a girl alone trying to keep a dead site alive (with help from RYM and Swieb).

I have thought long and hard about this and I have often talked of OG as my "spiritiual home" but the place is like a graveyard now. Virtually non of the old regs ever visit there - there are few real debates that go on anymore - HD tries his hardest in The Senate but even he can't start a fight in a vacuum, similarly elgado tries hard in Mind and Universe.

I, personally, long since gave up starting new threads and new debates. I know they would be quickly filled with brain-dead point hunters. My sense of disillusionment with the place is very hard to overcome - simply posting itself seems like a chore - and I think you ALL know what I mean.

I am well aware that me leaving the site so soon after eMTe might leave the rest of the crew - in my eyes that's literally just Swieb, Dizi and RYM - with a ridiculous amount to and further kill any last vestiges of the old OG that remain but the light seems to have flickered out of my OG eye. I keep hoping new and interesting regs will emerge but the guys who seem to make interesting posts don't really stick around due to lack of genuine activity. NO FORUM can continue without at least 20 hardcore regs to keep it going. OG had well over 100, maybe 200, in its golden age now I'd say about 99% of them are in the same boat as me or worse.

With that said, if someone can make a convincing case for me to stay as a mod and validator there then I will. But my heart hasn't been in it probably since Eric left - and how long ago was that?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:03
by Chroelle
As a person who took that decision before a very long time ago...
It is one mans decision, and none of us can make it for you (nor remove it from you).
Trust me, that whatever you do, there will be a period of time where it will feel like it was the wrong thing to do...
I will not say that you should stay on OG, nor will I say that you should leave!

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:49
by moshboy
I won't tell you to leave but in a certain sense just by saying that OG isn't the place it used to be is answering your own question to a certain degree - that is precisely why I left (and probably most of the others too at a guess).

We all wish it felt the same way that it used to but that feeling is long gone. Nothing can be done.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:25
by Zyx
Just take a look at the senate, I mean, where's the fun, when it's just full of conspiracy theorists supporting each other and no hounddawg pissing them off. It's only fun if the teams are even.

Even though I will personally miss pointzero's flip-flopping and changing defintions of words.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 13:11
by Dizi
I was thinking of leaving a while ago, during the whole should we let this person become a mod who has only been here two weeks...if a forum is that dead that there isn't anyone posting there for a good length of time why is it that someone there two weeks should get the job. Personally I find that a joke, sorry to the mod I am refering to, its nothing against you at all. But something in me a little while after that told me to keep probably won't help too much but I personally don't want to give up.

As for you Parvini think of it the way that I have always done, and my reason for not going to BD that often anymore. Do you find it fun? its pontless to do something online that you don't find fun, this place is suposed to be where you enjoy yourself and get away from RL...if you aren't having fun there is no point in doing it. But don't think this is me trying to sway your decision one way or another, as has already been said the choice is yours and yours alone. If your enjoying your job then stay if your not then why punish yourself?

OG may not be what it use to be but a lot like people it changes. We just have to fight to keep it alive, but I think most people, including myself have given up hope in some places.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 22:13
I personally wouldn't like youi to go, but the decision is yours and yours alone.

I know how you feel because I myself refused to put my feet in there for over 3 months, since the place had gone as low as it can get.

But the truth is very simple, no matter how mad I'm with the place as long as there are the old regulars or people chatting in the bar I still like to talk to them

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 23:02
by eMTe
I dont want to be the final nail in your coffin, Parvini.

Remember, I didnt leave OG for good, I hate to say "this is the end". I lost fun, that's all. Maybe it's temporal loss. I lost fun from being on forums, but having played almost everything I wanted to I also lost interest in abandonware. OG state has little to do with my decision, if it had I would have left months ago.

Besides, I havent left OG totally AND I also said that I may be back under one circumstance. Since I'll be lurking in crew forum from time to time I'll know if it's the time (if anyone will want me there :P ).

Cheap psychology: I do suspect that most departures in the past were caused by the same reason - loss of interest in abandonware (even if they were explained otherwise). Strange coincidence: it usually happens after 2 years of membership. Swiebe and few others are only the exceptions confirming the rule...

Now where is the "I don't know, I'm not the best person to judge" option? :P

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 23:56
by Scythe
I left pretty much for good when I left. All the major crises of the time and the increasing number of post for points in the areas I validated soured me really badly to the place. It was a hard decision since I had put so much of myself into making it a good place to be, not so much on the forums, but in cleaning up the guides, solutions, reviews et al.

I've not yet regretted the decision, because I can always find hard work elsewhere. :D If you can live with starting over, take that as a vote for leaving if you're no longer enjoying yourself.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:50
by moshboy
I'll admit I lost a certain degree of interest in abandonware but that wasn't really my main reason for leaving OG - the site was going downhill in the forum and no new features or new content was being added. Those two things along were enough to start making me feel like it was time to leave. I hardly ever go to OG anymore.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 15:43
by Maz
I left OG for my own reasons. Lost of intress towards abware was not the issue (I was not talking about abware anyways). Reason was actually that I heard of things that I did not want to support the site anymore. I occasionally check out how old mates are doing, but that must be something like once / N months. N is positive integer.

Nowadays I doubt I would be part of OG anyways. (not sure though). Many of the peoples I enjoyed to talk with left the site or just concentrated more on hunting spammers etc. than enjoying themselves & posting interesting / amusing things. I doubt the place never felt like it felt before DL's first longer absence.