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The evil Genie game

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 17:11
by Chroelle
The rules of the game are as follows...

YOu wish for a thing in your post. Unfortunately the genie you wished it from is a bitter one, that has spent way too much time in the bottle...

He turns you wish sour in the next post by another member...

Example: I wish for a harmless hamster
Next member: Granted - Your hamster is harmless, but also very dead...

And then the next member makes a wish.

Here we go:
I wish for a high speed internet-connection

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 17:46
by Usul
Granted - unfortunately you have IE installed with it :damnpc:

I wish for meeting Sid Meier...

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 17:59
by espenso84
Granted - Just to bad you met his car, front to front, doing 90 on the freeway too...

I wish I had a crate of scotch

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 21:53
by Chroelle
Granted - Just too bad that when you opened the box, all the scotch poured out..

I wish I had a million dollars. (I was gonna write bugs there, but that would have been too easy to mess up :D )

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 23:11
by Zyx
Granted, too bad they were Taiwanese Dollars, equal to about 30 000 US dollars.

I wish Bill Gates lost all his money.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 23:43
by Chroelle
Granted - Bill Gates lost all his money, but got yours instead...

I wish Denmark wins the rest of their footie-matches in the qualifications.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:12
by Usul
Granted - Too bad that Morten Olsen gets a heart-attack while celebrating Euro 2008 qualification...

I wish I would give up smoking.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:10
Granted you give smioking by eating too much and you get obese and addicted at McDonalds aka McCrap

I wish I could meet in person JorJA Fox and that she would like me

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:48
by Dizi
granted, she meets you, likes you, becomes obsessed with you, and then kills you for looking in the direction of another woman...even though all JorJA Fox wanted was to be your friend. Strange how a womans mind works :p

I wish everything to stay the same.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:37
by Chroelle
Granted - you get caught in a time-loop that repeats a single second for all eternity. And in that very second you decided to stub your toe on the bed...

I wish to guess what SGSW's signature means.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 15:12

SGSW's signature means (cutting a long story short) thatno one truely knows if they control their fate or if the fate (aka His Majesty randomness) controls them

And now for the reward, the evil genie being particulary twisted leaves an incrimating photo of you getting laid with other women on your girlfriend's bed and she kills you slowly, painfully and gruesomely :twisted: :evil: :viking: :twisted: :D

I wish I could outcome my addictions

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 22:34
by Pitkin
Granted, you've got rid of all your addictions, and instead are addicted to the ruthlessly expensive anti-addiction medicine. The best part is, it slowly tears your intestines apart, one by one.

I wish I found someone to share my life with.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 23:25
by Chroelle

You got a goldfish!

I wish I had paid more attention to the French class in school, so my French wouldn't suck so much now.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:15
Granted, you become an expert at french

Unfortunately the language becomes extinct the moment thereafter and all your hard work was in vain.

I wish I would get a reply to each message/mail/ecard I sent

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:34
by Prideth
Granted, but you get so many messages back that your computer explodes.

I wish I had more time to spend on the internet.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 16:36
by Chroelle
Granted - you get a second more of online time year...

I wish that all my wishes came true.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 20:27
Granted, but your wishes are all too vagure and subject too many interpretations and you get to live the motto "Beware with what you wish"

I wish I wasn't a complete wart

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:06
by elgado
Granted, you're an excellent person; only problem is everyone still thinks you're a wart =D

I wish I had a backup of all the posts I've ever made on le Internet.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:02
by Zyx
Granted, but so does the police. You had nothing hide, didn't you?

I wished this thread would end.

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 14:38
by Chroelle