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Runtime tracking

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 17:05
by Chroelle
Hm..I tried to make the title sound as techy as possible.
What I really need to know is, if anyone has a good program or an idea how to make a sorted list of numbers so I can keep track of my times when I run my exercise-runs.
So I need to make/find something that can:

Keep track of my times
Keep track of my fastest km's
Keep track of my wieghtloss
Keep track of my records (comparing it with current runtimes)
And it needs to have the possibility of making graphs and such of the numbers, as I am very visual. :)

Anyone has any ideas, or even if this can be done easily in Excel or something?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:18
by Zyx
Last year I just used a text-file where I put the distance, time and average heart rate. This year I started to use Adidas's Running thingie.

Edit: Cool, it looks like I can log in to the danish site with my finnish site login, so if anyone else uses that in whatever language and want to add me as an running mate, my username there is ksilvennoinen.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 18:27
by Chroelle
I have been using a html-document in Frontpage to make the diary, where I keep track of run-times, distances, weight and placements.
I am trying to make a user in there, but it seems the servers are busy currently, so I have to wait.
Does it fullfill all my requests from the first post?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 18:31
by Chroelle
Edit: It finally worked.
Edit: Cool, it looks like I can log in to the danish site with my finnish site login, so if anyone else uses that in whatever language and want to add me as an running mate, my username there is ksilvennoinen.
Says it can't find the user with that name. My name is ChrToft - feel free to add.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 20:14
by Zyx
Well, the only thing it doesn't do on at all is tracking your weight.

Bummer, looks like friends are country-specific even though logins aren't... strange.

There are probably zillions of applications that do stuff like that and it's not that too difficult to do it in excel either. I guess the main point is just to put them somewhere.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 23:16
by Chroelle
I finally got my running schedule from the past 2 moths down and it is working out ok for me, though I really need the weight-thing.
If someone has found or know of a program that does these things please let me know. And I would love it if it was an offline program instead of incorporated in a website where I ahve to visit and log in and stuff. It is so much easier with offline programs.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:07
by Maz
a text file and gnuplot ;) :D

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 21:02
by Chroelle
"gnuplot" as in GNU-plot?

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 0:58
by Maz
Yep :]

Re: Runtime tracking

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:37
by Zyx
I have been using RunKeeper to track my running for a while now, and it's pretty great. It has apps for both iPhone and Android, so it can be used to track and map the workouts, well, live. It's a nice alternative to Nike+ and SportsTracker both which insists that you have to use their app to get the workout into their service. In RunKeeper, you can just add any runs or other activities (like cycling etc.) manually as well.

It's also social so you can follow your friends and there's also the inevitable Facebook sharing as well.

There are graphs and whatnot, but they are not as pretty as in Nike+.

It also has weight tracking, and sleep tracking. I did not know that there are scales with WLAN connectivity these days...