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Questions to ask gamedevelopers when interviewed

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 20:38
by Chroelle
Well I put this in here, becauce I felt it was a bit broader than the other very specific thread.

Which should be our CLASSIC questions (we will ask any developer these questions):

- Tell us more about yourself - how old are you, where do you live, what do you do for a living? (one of these basic interview questions)

- When did you start playing games? Do you have any fond memories of those times and did you decide to make a game of your own because of some of them?

- Were you a big fan of a particular game that might have put you on to making this game or did you just like games in general?

- Did you ever have crisis where you almost decided to make commercial games instead of freeware?

- What made you decide that you wanted to make freeware instead of commercial games?

- Have you considered making commercial games?

- If you were to make a commercial game (however cheap or expensive) what kind of game would you make? And inspired by what?

- Did you work alone or with more people?
(If with other people)
- Being the leader of a group of volunteers can be frustrating as you canĀ“t really demand anything from them, since they are there of their own free will. How do you motivate the people making the game?

- Was the game ever in danger of not being published? Why? And at what state?

- What specific tech side of making a game is the hardest (to find people for)? (Music, Graphics, storyline, translation, etc.)

- Did any sacrifices have to be made with the content?

- Where did you find the will to power through this consuming job? Did the fans help or was it just sheer willpower?

- Will you keep working on the game or have we seen the last version of it.

- What will be your next game/remake?

- Where do you see yourself 5 years from now regarding gamemaking?

- Any words for other freeware game developers?

- Any favourite freeware games we should know about?

- If you were to mention a GOD of freeware, who would that be?

- What are you currently working on?

- Have you ever heard of CWF's developer help project?

- CWF's dev help project aims to be a 'bridge' between freeware developers and people interested in participating creating freeware games. If you needed more helpers, would you consider opening a thread in CWF, telling which kind of help you need?

- If you could choose to do a freeware game with any gamedeveloper (freeware or commercial) who would it be?

These are some suggestions to begin work on, and we can always do a second interview with a developer. Most developers are more than willing to answer questions on their games. I have a few lined up to be first in line, but I of course need to be ready to both send and receive the answers.

The first couple of guys I was thinking of (by game):
- Rooms
- The spirit engine
- Stranded

I think we have something almost ready for a release version 1.0.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 14:08
by Chroelle
It would be cool if people could look this over again, as I am going to do some interviews again.

If anyone has any wishes (or ideas) for developer-interviews please let me know.