(guide/help) WL-167G usb WLAN + linux

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(guide/help) WL-167G usb WLAN + linux

Post by Maz »

Ok. I finally sorted my network problems. I'll write complete guide later but:

if you have bought ASUS WL-167G wlan usb adapter, and ended up to have problems with the drivers, believe me, I know how you feel... Anyways, there's hope even though Darth Vader slayed Obi...

You have probaply googled and tried the drivers made by ASU S...

forget it. Those guys have sold their soul to dev... Errm Microsoft. Even their Linux drivers are written using Windows, judging the line endings... Not to mention that their code did not even compiled under my fedora...

your best hope is driver by serialmonkey group. Unfortunately it seems that it is not necessarily so obvious which drivers from the geoup you should use... Most guides talk about ra2500 driver. It is for pci card. Then theres mentions about ra2570 drivers. And utter confusion about commands make install and make install-fedora.

the ra2570 is indeed usb driver, and it may work... But after banging your head to the wall for 2 days (as I did) it seems obvious that something is wrong...

After a few litres of coffee, and 20+ unworking kernel modules, I hit a page mentioning that some companies change the chipsets in their sticks between different stick versions... Now I was one step closer.

For me the ra73 drivers from serialmonkeys did the trick. Simply download them, install kernel sources in order to compile the kernel module (with fedora simply command
yum install kernel-devel
) and after that-s done go to the folder where drivers are downloaded.

unpack drivers
tar xvzxf packagename

go to folder package/Module and give command


then change to root user again (command su and then give root password when asked)

and command make install

then command
modprobe ra73

which activates the module.

Now you can check if adapter and drivers are recognized by giving command


if it dispöays some stats about rausb0 youre on safe side :)

You only needs to confoigure your network according to your wlan network. I try to remember to write guide for that too, when I am on my computer instead of this frigging mobile phone...

anyways, if I forget, or you're too anxious to wait, the command to do this is same iwconfig with different parameters... See man iwconfig, google and experiment meanwhile... If you manage to find things out before I remember to add the guide, feel free to do the guide too :)

thx serialmonkeys, I'm online again ! :)
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Post by Maz »

Okay, here's the last piece. Write following commands in shell scrip. I assume that if you do not know how to do shell scripts, then you have bash shell & this should work.. create a file with your favourite text editor. You can name it as you wish, but I personally did file called wirelessenable

Write following lines in it:

Code: Select all

ifconfig rausb0 up
iwconfig rausb0 mode managed
iwconfig rausb0 channel 11
iwconfig rausb0 freq 2.4G
iwconfig rausb0 essid "xxxxx"
iwpriv rausb0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK
iwpriv rausb0 set EncrypType=TKIP
iwpriv rausb0 set WPAPSK="xxxxx"
sleep 10
dhclient rausb0
Change the xxxxx parts (at least, also auth mode and encryption type to something else, depending on your router configurations. But that's what I had working).

Save file.

give user(s) to execute rights over the file by using command

chmod a+x wirelessenable

Now try it out with command

(The last one must be run as root).

If you see something like

--bound to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx then it should be working.
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