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Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:47
by jayenkai
Gimme a few days to sort out a method, and I'll let you know.

Gotta do all the "Lite Edition" promo stuff, now, since Apple popped that on, about an hour or two ago.
Having "Proper" Apps has a definite downside..
The promotion stuff is a pain in the ass!
I need a sleep!!!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:02
by jayenkai
ok, time for a change of pace for a while.
AGameAWeek Year 3 hasn't really been great, but we've already hit 52, so there's not really much I can do about that.
Pants years, pants games, but.. Hey, at least there's SpikeDislike, right?!

So, the change of pace.
We're only actually up to week 36, so there's 16 weeks of the year remaining.
I've decided, as improbable and unlikely a task as it appears to be, to attempt a SECOND (god help me) set of 52 games for the year.
Rather than doing big BlitzMax downloady things, though, I'll instead be using the odd browser based trial thing I used many months ago. lets me code a game, have it run in your browser, and, if you're nosey, you can even open it up and see how it all works.

For testing purposes, here are...
Puzzobomb Jr
My quicky test thing I made a couple of weeks ago..
It's a nice simple match-the-blocks puzzle game. (A clone of Vexed, but without all the really annoyingly slow rules of that game)


Chase The Block
Which I made a couple of days ago.
I took a buttload of time to make a nice frontend for it, and will be able to constantly keep reusing that for all the improbable 52 game games.

The games I attempt will be more like that one, as opposed to the Puzzobomb one.
Short and sweet.
Mini games.

But a lot of 'em

I'll be damned if Year 3 will be the year I ran out of ideas, even if it kills me!!!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 0:45
by jayenkai
Oooh yeay, Curly's back!
Hello Curly!!!

To be honest, I actually spotted the site back up a few days ago, but I was logged out and couldn't be arsed faffing about to get another password.
Lazy Jay strikes again, sorry!

Um, I've been coding thick and fast for the past few weeks, so rather than try and do screenshots, I'll just make a list.
It's easier that way!!

Since these are being built as AGameADay, I'm opting for the quickest ideas possible! These are minigames.
They're still nicely playable, though!

All of these are created using PlayMyCode, so they're all for your browser, and you oughta be using something fairly new, like Chrome or an up to date Firefox.

Get the Greens : Roll around and grab the green gems without being hit.
Major Turn Off : Switch off the lights!
Platdude Goes Left : Like Sheep Goes Left, only much much lazier!
Happy Meetings : Tap the buttons as the blobs meet up. It's like that thing when you're getting your eyes tested!!
Migraine Gets : Whooshy swirly woozey game!
Space Battles : A simple scrolly shooty thingy.
Suicidal Pellet Eater : Eat the pellets as they fall, but try not to get squished.
Just One Wall : A single screen breakout with combo points.
Not the Same : A simple random maze, with a fairly complicated rule. Don't step on the same colour twice!!

And there's your list so far.
Since 27th June there's 9 games. If I hadn't have "Migraine Gets!!" I would've had another 2 in there, but.. meh, whatever!!
Plenty of time to go.
I'm aiming for 52 by October, so.. ..

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:41
by Pater Alf
You might remember that I don't like browswer games very much and that I had problems running them with a decent speed, but I just want to let you know that I tried some of your new games and they work pretty well with FireFox5.

About the games: "Major Turn Off" was pretty good even if I don't think that I would play such a puzzle game for a very long time (but my sister would), "Playdude Goes Left" was fun even if the concept wasn't that original, "Just One Wall" was ok, but I think it would be better if a new wall appears 30 seconds after you cleared the first one (of course the title wouldn't make sense any longer) and "Not the Same" seemed pretty dull to me. Haven't tried the rest yet.

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:49
by jayenkai
I know you dislike the browser games!

But having already fulfilled my quota of 52 games for the year, and having constantly said to the PlayMyCode guys "I will!! I will have a play with your language" over and over and over for months and months, I figured I should probably take a proper stab at it!
This is me spewing random ideas, trying out their language, testing their engine, and a few other things besides.

It's kinda worked out, before, though. SpikeDislike, for example, was one of the test games I did during my Xmas Advent Collection, and that's gone on to be fairly popular.
This time around, Get The Greens kinda had a nice ring to it, so it's already being redone for iOS. (It might not look identical, but .. it is!)

Just because these games are simple and testy, doesn't mean they won't end up being bigger, and bulkier, and properly downloadable!
Test ideas, pluck out the good ones, make 'em better!

And feel free to suggest your own random thoughts.

I'm aiming at about 1 hour per build, though, so.. keep 'em tiny!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 13:15
by Chroelle
Spike Dislike can now be found on CWF:

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:49
by jayenkai
Everybody Likes Spike Dislike :D (Note, this smiley looks positively evil!!!)

Sorry, busy week.
Mum almost broke her leg, she's torn a bunch of ligaments, and I've been doing all the householdey stuffs. Long week!!

Anyhoo, the AGameADay continues. With each game only taking about an hour or two, I've still (somehow) been managing to cram them all in.
It's a bit chaotic, mind ;)

Here's a list for the past couple of weeks, and yes, again, they're all browser games.

Rocks 'n' Trees : Up to hop, down to slide. Help Platdude run as far as he can!
Platdude Golfing : Platdude plays invisible-walled golf!
Harry Carry : Carry the coloured blocks to match 'em up.
Square Block Defence : A tower defence style game.
Happy Coins : Grab the coins, keep running about!
Only 1 Red Balloon : Guide the balloon through the field of fans and spikes. SpikeDislike!!!
Find the Snowman : Use the clues to find the snowman.
Crazy Plane Game : Try to keep control of the plane, and avoid hitting the spikes. SpikeDislike!!!
Centipede : Just Centipede!
Tea Frogs : Catch the falling frogs in your brew.
Hooper the Happy Hopper : A lovely Mario-y jumpy platformer.
Carry The Torch : Only a year to go before the Olympics, so carry that torch!
Paint the Tiles : 5 moves per go, paint the tiles without getting hit.

Future possibilities?
Square Defence would be the obvious choice, but I tend to steer clear of those sorts of games. They tend to have a "I got this far, now I just keep watching them all die" issue that I'm not very good at fixing.
.. or perhaps I should aim to fix that first? Perhaps that's something I'd be good to fiddle with?

Paint the Tiles I can also see working in a bigger better badder version, but it feels like it should be Multiplayer. .. I might need a server for that one!!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:41
by jayenkai
The inevitable sign of overdoing things..

Snowman's Stars : Track down the stars, and step on them!
Daisy Chains : A remake of Daisy Chains from the iPhings, which is kind of a remake of Get The Greens, the first of these games!!
Command the Missiles : Guide the missiles through the maze to destroy the little squishy fellas.
Ordered Grid : A crazy unlocking mechanism!
Meteors and Coins : Dodge the Meteors, and grab the coins!
Destroy the Squares :

And that's your lot..

A terrible week of Flu, Migraines, Neck crap, and general exhaustion.
I'm giving up, here, before it kills me!!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:03
by Pater Alf
jayenkai wrote: A terrible week of Flu, Migraines, Neck crap, and general exhaustion.
Can you make a game with that title. I'd really like to see that. :)

I like "Ordered Grid" a lot. A simple concept that starts really easy and gets incredible hard after a while. seems like a good game to train your memory.

And "Snowman's Star" doesn't work for me (using Firefox 5). The first thing the snowman does is hopping out of the screen and he never comes back.

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:11
by jayenkai
Awww, poor snowman!
Let's just assume he melted ;)
(probably a delta issue, nothing to worry about *cough*)

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:43
by jayenkai

AGameAWeek Year 3 is over.
I've tried, I kinda managed, and I also kinda failed a bit, too, just for good measure!

I think that's 80..?
meh, whatever..

I'll be starting Year 4 around about late October, maybe.
I'm not sure what form it's going to take, yet.

I'm currently thinking of mixing things up a little more.
I wanted to do that in Year 3, but the iOS chaos kinda messed that up a bit.
For Year 4, I'll try again, and hopefully it works out a bit.
I have some freeform time before hand, so I'll see what does/doesn't work.
.. hopefully!

Meanwhile, if anyone has a Nintendo DS and a flash-cart that lets them play DS Homebrew games, Sheep Goes Left is currently getting some love!
.. and I kinda planned to do a new NeonPlat game, but it's being a slow starter..