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Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 15:35
by jayenkai
How about a game where you open presents, then have to quickly push the correct onscreen button so that you don't get caught on looking too disappointed at the sight of the 18th pair of socks?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 16:01
by Drasir-Vel
That would be hilarious.

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 22:03
by eMTe
How about another Total War game,where one player is responsible for one soldier and during battles all share the same goal and are under command of another player or AI,respond to changed tactics etc.but behave individually,still trying best they can?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:20
by Pater Alf
jayenkai wrote: How about a game where you eat so many mince pies that you become too fat, and can no longer complete the level..
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Haha,nice! :lol:

Merry Christmas!

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:50
by Chroelle
I loved that little game. :)

How about a game where you can be in charge if you can enlist 1000 soldiers to fight a battle, but you have to find them amongst 1000 real online people who will most likely also want to be in charge!

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 23:31
by jayenkai
How about a game with one single bad guy that continues to chase you through the entire game, with you setting little traps along the way to try and kill him?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 23:33
by eMTe
How about a Lucasarts-inspired point and click adventure game played via Internet of Things?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:41
by eMTe
How about an infinite online flash platformer where you score for not hitting enemies and the player who restrains from doing nasty things to npcs for the longest period - wins?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:00
by jayenkai
Given the sadistic letters I'm currently sending to all my fellow Animal Crossing villagers, I wouldn't last too long on that game!

How about a game where every single one of the enemy aren't actually enemy, (mind control, robotocized, mass memory wipe?), and the player needs to somehow save them all, but with good-old arcade enemy rules, so you can't actually touch any of them lest they kill you..?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 22:59
by Chroelle
Some sort of zombiegame where it's your family that is chasing you and you need to find a cure? I would play that!

How about a game of tetris where you have to blast away the tiles coming down from the top as you loose a life everytime they form a line?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:49
by jayenkai
Grammer-Nazi's Hangman
How about a game of hangman where each correct letter makes the noose a little more loose, so you get a gasp of air, and the game gets a little less blurry.. but where you also have to balance the winning with the losing, because if the noose gets too loose, you fall from the noose to your death, and then you lose....?

The Last Sleep of the Year
How about a game where the player's got a cold, is trying to sleep, but keeps waking up every two hours to catch drips from his nose?

*goes back to bed again*

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:37
by eMTe
How about a simple, classic, Mario-like platformer where action is slowed down, to the point that jumping takes 3 seconds for example?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 18:55
by Chroelle
How about a mariogame where you continue to pick up speed as you run, and have to slow down to a halt so breaking has to be planned?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 13:09
by jayenkai
Sorry, not been playing the ideas-game for a few days. I read Chroelle's post, considered that "having to slow down" would probably work best with a character with wheels, and somehow ended up with a game involving a juggling unicycling clown... Go figure.. Game Tuesday.. (not very Mario'y though!)
ok, back to ideas!

How about a nice puzzle platform game with two independently controlled players (I'm thinking WASD vs Cursors), who are connected via a piece of string? Game should be playable by 1 player, but will automagically allow for co-op play.

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 22:49
by eMTe
How about a game so complex that it requires the whole keyboard to use during play (including ALT+, SHIFT+ etc.)?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 0:08
by jayenkai
Aw, I forgot about this thread! AGameAWeek stopped me in my tracks!

How about a game like Cooking Mama, but you play a cat, who has to try it's best to trip up the cook?

(odd timing on that post, btw, eMTe.. I just released Unijuggler *see post above* on iOS!!)

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:07
by eMTe
How about a GAMING PARK where kids (or grown-ups - in future) jump from platform to platform, kill enemies, collect points, discover shortcuts and bonuses? For example Mario Park or Lara Croft Park or else, depends who gets the right for the patent.

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 0:37
by eMTe
How about a game mixing sudoku and memes theory where the goal is to correspond certain words in sudoku style so that they match together just like the numbers do?

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 0:49
by jayenkai
How about an alternative Cluedo (/clue!) game, where the players must kill each other? Players all start off in one room, must find a weapon, (each room has a "cupboard", pick a card to reveal it's weapon) then have to attempt to kill each other.
Stats per weapon, and maybe some shields too, to aid in the fights and decide who wins..
Injured players get HP removed, and are shifted to the recovery room.
Last one alive wins!

(maybe over the twitter limit, there, sorry, started small but spiralled out of control fairly rapidly! ps, I quite like this idea! pps, you could actually probably play this if you have a cluedo board.. .. hmm...)

Re: How about a game...?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 13:58
by Chroelle
Hey I would play it if you made it Jay. :)