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Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 17:52
by Chroelle
Did you have all the ideas before you started doing this, or did you come up with some of them later on - or have you even thought up the rest of the game ideas for the collection?

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 18:58
by jayenkai
It's all spur of the moment! I didn't even have the idea until about the 29th of November, so I did a couple of games, made sure I could do them quick enough, and carried on from there..

It's mostly been a case of "Throw a sprite on the screen, play with the movement, see what works, make it into a game!"

... to be fair, AGameAWeek is usually like that, anyway!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:40
by Pater Alf
It's so amazing that you are able to develop one game per day!I'm not even able to play one per day... :notworthy:

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 20:33
by Drasir-Vel
Pater Alf wrote:
jayenkai wrote:Week Five
Super Happy Speedy Gerbil
People who call themselves "Sonic fans", but hadn't noticed the ridiculously stupid physics in Sonic 4, must be completely blind to the fact that you CAN actually let go of the Right button..


This game's for them, but it's probably not for you!
It's REALLY, REALLY, psychotically, badly, mentally, insanely hard!!
Definitely not for me... ;)

There isn't much gameplay and so this game unfortunately isn't interesting for more than a few minutes.
I agree. This game doesn't have much gameplay in it. The difficulty also seemed to be very hard, as i found myself always dying a few seconds into the game in normal mode.

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 22:04
by Drasir-Vel
Pater Alf wrote:
jayenkai wrote: Week Two
Space Clusters
A remake of sorts, based on an old Amstrad CPC game, Space Hawks.
Destroy the baddies as you would a regular shooter, but should the enemy be stationary when hit, it drops a little pod which'll kill you.
This gives it a nice controllable difficulty level, whereby if you don't shoot like a crazy person, then you won't be bombarded by falling pods..
... whereas if you go mental, the game will similarly be much more difficult.
It's nice and fast, and again it's better on the harder modes!
And you did much better in week 2... :)

Bang,bang, bang, bang......

Classical, timeless retro action fun. No special twist at all, but who would care if you get such a fun game? And I prefer the fire like a crazy mental lunatic strategy. Makes the game much more interesting.

Nice, the first highlight in year three!
Crisp graphics and good gameplay. This is a game you don't get tired of quickly.

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:30
by Chroelle
On Pater Alfs request, and by total consent of everyone else I am sure - You got yourself a new rank. :)

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:12
by jayenkai
Aww, shucks! Thanks, all!!

Progress Report
Advent coding is nearly done. I've sped up a bit today (4 games in a day!?! GAH!) so I'll be able to take a little break before/during/after xmas.
21 games are out, 3 more are coded, I've the big Xmas one to write, and.. up.. that's Xmas!

Merry Xmas everybody!!

I'll might do another vid for all 25, later. Or stuff my face with loads of Xmas Cake.. either/or!

Thanks for the Status :D

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 19:15
by Chroelle
Sounds like Xmas might be even more stressed for you than the rest of us...

I wonder however how come your avatar doesn't work?

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 23:00
by Drasir-Vel
Pater Alf wrote:
jayenkai wrote:Week One
Ted Bob's Pet Hammer
Without any ideas what I'll be making, I jumped headfirst into the new year, and came up with a strange memory/hammer based game.
A simple puzzle game involving a variety of objects inside crates. Smash the crates containing pets (to rescue them!!) and ship out the boxes containing TNT.
Plays much better in the harder modes!
Nice idea, but not really a great game. In easy mode it's almost unplayable, because it's much to easy and it's impossible to die. In hard mode it's to hard and it's nearly impossible to see all the boxes and keep them in mind and in medium mode it's something in between, but still no fun.

Not really interesting and I'm sure you can do much better. 51 weeks left to prove that... ;)
I think this is a rather dull game. Simple game where you have to remember what crates have TNT in them.

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 16:37
by jayenkai
If you flick through the advent games, you can see this effect amplified.
Sometimes a game idea in your head might appear to be fun, but once you actually get it up and running, it all kinda falls apart!

There's 2 or 3 really really rubbish examples in Advent, and Ted Bob's Pet Hammer is just another of these.

With some tweaking, better timing, and some lovely animations, it could probably be a fairly decent game.
As it is, it isn't, so there it is!!

Advent progress : All 25 games complete, 24 online right now, 25th will appear tonight.

Rest, Jay!! Rest!!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:39
by Chroelle
Good work J.
Go get a glass of eggnog and lay back and consider your work. That is one pretty awesome thing you did there... :)

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:10
by jayenkai
Week Twelve
In many ways, I've already failed "AGameAWeek", because if you tally it up, I've already missed about 4 weeks.
But, considering 3 of those weeks were the AGameADay advent calender, that's probably ok.. right?!


Spike Dislike

Those who enjoyed Spike Dislike in the Advent, and further continued to enjoy Spike Dislike in your browser, there's now a Super Spike Dislike that's downloadable and playable on it's own!

It's now got combos and a gun!
Downloadable here

Edit by Chroelle:
And from CWF:

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 22:17
by Pater Alf
jayenkai wrote:Week Twelve

Spike Dislike

Those who enjoyed Spike Dislike in the Advent, and further continued to enjoy Spike Dislike in your browser, there's now a Super Spike Dislike that's downloadable and playable on it's own!

It's now got combos and a gun!
Downloadable here
Very simple, very addictive and very good. I like it a lot. The first jayenkai highlight in 2011!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 22:07
by Drasir-Vel
jayenkay wrote:Spike Dislike

Those who enjoyed Spike Dislike in the Advent, and further continued to enjoy Spike Dislike in your browser, there's now a Super Spike Dislike that's downloadable and playable on it's own!

It's now got combos and a gun!
Downloadable here
A really addicting simple game. At first it wouldn't seem very special. For controls you use the right arrow key. "ahh, the arrow keys you say, and what else?". No.. actually just the right arrow key.. and the z key to shoot. As soon as you start playing, you quickly get addicted. The sounds that increase in pitch as you pile up combos, the repetetive boing sound every time you bounce. The game brings back the feeling you had with the early arcade games where you had to try again because you know you get can further than that this time. And when i got to the part with the red and white ball, it reminded me of DX-Ball. That can only count as a plus.

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 16:26
by jayenkai
EVERYBODY seems to love Spike Dislike.
It's almost annoying!

It's such a stupidly simple game, and took no more than a few hours to make it, and yet..
Look at it go!

I've now additionally written and submitted an iPhing edition to Apple. Gonna have to wait and see if they accept it, though. Takes SO LONG to get something through their checks and things. Gah! Considering it took less than 2 days to code the iPhing edition, having to then wait a smegging week for Apple to do their thing is taking the mickey, to be honest!

No matter, the game's fun, and that's what counts!!

ps, spam ;)

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 16:52
by Chroelle
spam gone. :)

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 0:35
by jayenkai
iPhing edition passed!
Also, (I knew I'd forget!) I forgot to post this week's game!

So, Video : Terry Paton Plays Spike Dislike (link to app is on that page if you want it)

and then...

Week Fourteen (With extreme apologies.. Last week was week thirteen! ooopsy!)
Royal Rescue
I'm not entirely sure how universal "Cassette 50" was, but if you know it, BE AFRAID!

I've decided to remake a whole bunch of these truly awful games, and this is the first.

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:19
by Pater Alf
Can we have a download link? I can't find the game on your Socoder page. :(

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:12
by jayenkai
Silly me, rushing!

There ya go!

Re: AGameAWeek : Year 3

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:44
by Pater Alf
Thank you!