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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 0:11
by Maz
elgado wrote: ... and that they last longer.
Yes, and when it's below -30 C and you need to go out to smoke that's a real pleasure :p

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:51
by eMTe
And that's why I smoke only inside...when I'm at home. But smoking when it's below, maybe not -30, but -15, can be also fun, especially between fifth and sixth beer when you dont bother about respiratory infection. :p

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 21:42
by elgado
fadedmind wrote:
elgado wrote: ... and that they last longer.
Yes, and when it's below -30 C and you need to go out to smoke that's a real pleasure :p
Aye... Luckily, I mostly only smoke at my local pub since that place just has the smoker's and Guiness atmosphere. Hopefully the Dutch government won't place a ban on smoking on private property any time soon.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 12:04
by mistergreen77
I too am a smoker - but never in my house or car because I also have children. An old guy once said to me "I don't smoke, I'm just the sucker on the end." I think that is too true.

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 20:33
by justin
I smoked a lot, but now I only smoke when we are drinking with friends :)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 13:04
by mariesa
mistergreen77 wrote:I too am a smoker - but never in my house or car because I also have children
thats a good attitude...

Well, I smoke... Why ??? I don`t know exactly... thats the worst thing

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 13:20
by Ancsur2002
justin wrote:I smoked a lot, but now I only smoke when we are drinking with friends :)
AHA! I KNEW you ARE an alcoholist :evillaugh:

BTW :welcome:

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 13:41
by Usul
I smoke but I never smoke at home beacause my girlfriend has stopped smoking and I don't want to tempt her. Now I go out or I smoke at the window. *brrrr*

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 16:16
by Chillum
Heh.. I know all about freezing while smoking... At my continuation school we gotta go outside to smoke.. I promise you that it's cold to smoke 7:15 AM outside in the danish winther... *BRR*

But at home I smoke inside.. :) Ahh.. ^_^

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 22:00
by greezlee
Ocasionally....but not very often,fortunately. Like somtimes when on party I'm drinking then I have a cigarette or two... couple of months ago me and my mate had a glass of cognac and some fancy cigarillos :)
It's not my habit and I don't really like's not like I'm thinking of starting to smoke or something. Personally I tnik it's a waste of time, health and money

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 17:47
by Pager
Smoking in Ontario, Canada has been pretty much banned from every public place, and it is also illegal to smoke within a certain distance from doors of office buildings, schools, and other government buildings. I was recently told by someone from Quebec (which is also adopting the public smoking ban) that Ontarioians treat smoking like it's a contagious disease.

I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I can not stand the smell of them, they completely reek. Usually if I have to drive with a smoker, just being in their car makes me gag, especially if they've switched to Menthol.

On the other hand, I have smoked cigars when I'm in a bad mood when I'm absolutely trashed (those two must be evident for the equation), or for special occasions. I have never been addicted, although one night I started smoking and it lasted for 3 that was a close one.
I just like the smell to a is soothing...but cigarettes stink like buts.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 20:32
by SFault
I smoke about 5-7 cigarettes per year, but only when I'm drunk. Sometimes my friends try to prevent my smoking. It's actually quite nice. I have bought only once a pack of cigarettes and it was about three years ago. I still got them at my closet and only about four of them are smoked.

Generally I'm not against smoking (or anything else actually) but sometimes I don't like at all if someone is smoking near me and I don't like that my clothes always smell bad after being in a bar. Also I don't allow smoking in my home, nor I would like to date a smoker.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 21:43
by Dot O'Rock
Yup, I smoke.

I've been thinking about surprising my non-smoking GF at new years by quitting. Not talking about it to her or anything, just suddenly quitting :D

We'll see how it goes, but that's my plan.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 0:22
by Chroelle
Well I quit :D
I am no longer a smoker.

Had to quit before March, so there was no reason dragging it along.
Now I just have to figure out how to start excercising...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 16:57
by jcsychristina
if im not wrong, keeping ciggaretes THAT long Sfault would make it , UNFRESH :D ?

nope, dont smoke.. only once a blue moon , and blue moons dont happen very often

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:03
by SFault
If I ever smoke them and they 'taste' spoiled, I think that's only a good thing. Oh, and while I'm at it, I might admit that I also a occasionally use snuff. It's the same thing as with smokes, I use it while I'm drunk.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:24
by spanek
I started it when I was 17 and now I am 28... 11 years (God damn I never gave it much thought it was so long).

I smoke a packet a day, and most of it is at my house watching TV or playing pc games. Sometimes I think that I smoke just to smoke, and not because I want it (nusty habbit).

The only time that I smoke 3 cigarretes a day, was last year and lasted for 4 months.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:24
by Eric
It's been over a year for me, off the fags. Cigarettes, that is....


(Pun intended)

And you know what, I really miss it.

While I feel a lot better for not smoking, I really did enjoy smoking. The taste, the smell, the mental unwinding associated with firing one up.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:41
by Scythe
I don't know... "mental unwinding" has a kind of scary ring to me. Sort of Jack Nicholson in "The Shining." You're sure those were cigs you quit? :D

Latest news here is that my workplace will be 100% smoke-free in about a week. At least that's going to be the policy. I say it's going kinda far. I'm happy they won't be allowed to smoke in our common areas, but if people want a smoke during their break, they shouldn't have to line up out on the street (that's going to be great advertisement right there).

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:53
by Eric
I gave up 'other' substances even longer ago...... ;)

That work places become smoke free isn't completely surprising I think - I wonder how productivity suffers with people taking a 7 minute (the time on average it takes to smoke a single cig) break regularly throughout the day.

There are also lower insurance premiums - if the site is smoke free there's less chance of fire.

Many pubs and clubs here in Oz will be completely smoke free soon... I think it's an infringment on peoples rights frankly. There should be at least a separate area for people to have a quick puff.