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Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 23:59
by Scythe
Believe you me, the new Pool does suck. It has incredibly poor implementation of 3E rules, and is utterly boring - one long dungeon crawl.

Grandia isn't too bad, if a bit too linear. Your other console suggestions sound pretty familiar, except perhaps Tales of Phantasia, which I'm not sure I've tried. I think have at least tried the rest, and completed some of them, but they weren't that noteworthy, to me at least.

Dragon Quest = Dragon Warrior, IIRC, except for the new one, DQ 8, which I just started playing (came out in Europe this month), and it's awesome! But a little too new for the Nostalgia corner. ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:38
by OSH
I recommend "Ambermoon", and very old RPG - "Legacy of the Ancients" - for C-64. It's a great game!

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 21:02
Ok I'm going to spice things up

The Hall of Belated Fame concerning RPGs is: (Page 1, you can scroll for the next 2)

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 18:00
by Usul
Gothic deserves its place. The first one is still my favourite of the series. In a couple of months, Gothic III will come out. I doubt that my notebook will be capable of handling that game.

Planescape Torment, well more like an interactive book than a game. Great storyline, great main character but sometime a bit slow and too much text.

Lands of Lore, nice. with Patrick Stewart as the voice of King Richard. I never completed it, although it was fun. At the very end of the game I got stuck in a room full of traps.