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Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 22:58
by Del_Duio
Wow, weird that 2 admins from 2 different websites both had the same problem.

Thankfully it's easily solved!

You're running out of skill hearts, that's why. Each high jump costs 2 skill hearts to do. Smash some candles and you'll be golden :)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 23:29
by eMTe
Hasslevania is harder than Soldexus. First conclusion.

Dying and starting from the beginning doesnt irritate me. All I want is to play again and just try to jump more carefully. Strange. Second conclusion.

You did the nasty game. Annoying and mysteriously fun at the same time. :ninja:

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 23:47
by Chroelle
I was wondering why those hearts didn't help my health... :lol:
Ok. I am now wiser than before, and will try again. Who was the other admin?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 23:56
by Scythe
There wouldn't be some sneaky way to reassign the keys? My deaths are far too often attributable to jumping when I should attack and vice versa... and space and shift work terribly for me in the first place...

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:15
by Del_Duio
The other admin was Rikus from the Daily Click, and I'm glad that was the problem!

I tried out Soldexus and I don't think Hasslevania is harder. I mean, this one purple monster with a lance hit me and killed my guy in a single shot. There also was kind of a whole lot of empty rooms for a long time at the start, but it picked up later. I did really like the effects when things blew up and the cool lighting effects in general. And the guy animated well and swung the sword nice. Maybe some of those zombies had a bit too many HP for so early in the game though.

I'm glad you're not too deterred from playing even if you die a lot. If you haven't tried version 2 yet I would highly suggest that you did. The Wussy Schoolgirl mode has coffins that can heal you up a bit and I put some more visual clues towards the beginning to help new guys out. Just remember, like any game after you get something nice, go to the nearest save room and SAVE YOUR GAME! I myself don't do this sometimes and then I get killed and have to go and get a ton of things all over again.

As for the controls, what I've been told is that there's another freeware program called Joy2Key that translates gamepad inputs as keyboard inputs and that it works great. I've tried it myself but my gamepad is wonky and so I use the keyboard controls instead. When I was first making games and never heard of the internet I assigned some odd keyboard controls for my games that I liked personally. Over time I continue to use the same type of setup for the most part, which is why you don't see too many other games with space for attack and shift for jump I guess. The sequel will have customizable controls though, don't worry.

And thanks for playing the game, seriously, it makes all that time spent working on it worth it :)

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:53
by eMTe
Chroelle wrote:I was wondering why those hearts didn't help my health
...and why dont I start from the place I died despite the fact I have 8 lives :shock: :D

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 14:57
by Del_Duio
You only have 1 life for Rovert.

The hearts are used for skills like high jumps, the holy crap subweapon, and summoning the devil for hire. Think of them like MP in some other games.

The thing you're most concerned with is the orange life bar up in the left-hand corner of the screen. Once it's gone, poof no more Rovert! You need to eat food in order to regain your health, unless you're playing version 2's "wussy schoolgirl" mode and then you can also refill half of your health by saving in a coffin.

Dying and restarting will let you continue from the last save room you had saved in. There are 3 of them in the game.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 17:38
by Scythe
eMTe was just being a smartass, but it's great that you're giving us this much attention. :)

I'll be trying that gamepad support, see if it doesn't help my gaming skills. It certainly did for Soldexus.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 17:43
by Del_Duio
Well, you can never be too sure. I had some people who never played any Castlevania wonder why they were dying when they still had tons of hearts left.

I guess it's pretty strange how CV is the only game I know offhand whose hearts have nothing to do with recovering life (like every other game does).

I try to visit every board I've posted Hasslevania on every day to answer questions about it. I can do it now, but if for some reason it really takes off it's going to be tough! It's on a lot of foreign websites that I have no idea what they're saying too, so I'm going to assume they're saying it's awesome hahaha.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 15:45
by Del_Duio
Hey there what's a guy gotta' do to get his game up on the head to head rumble here? 8)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 17:18
by Scythe
First of all get three game hunters to validate it, so it can be put up on the server. ;) I got sidetracked.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 19:06
by Pater Alf
I made my vote, so I hope we can get this done very soon... 8)

I have to admit that the game gets much better when you pass the first point of frustration (which means after you beat the thorn monster and get the water ring as well as the first hearts container). Difficulty is quite fair after that and there are many rooms to explore. Still think the game is to hard in the beginning, but at least with version 2 you know where to go and you can heal half your energy at the save points.
But I still wish for a version with more save points and where it just costs 1 heart to perform high jumps (kind of super easy mode).

After all "Hasslevania" is a very entertaining and funny (might not be everybody's humour) game in the tradition of the old 8-bit jump'n run games (and of course of "Castlevania", but I think I don't have to mention it).

Another question: Is there any chance to win at the dice game? Or maybe any strategy? I tried many times but I never got further than to round 4...

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 15:46
by Del_Duio
Thanks Peter, that's cool you're giving it a good shot! Don't worry about Hasslevania's limitations (as far as 2 hearts / h jump and limited save points). I'm busy designing the sequel which should hopefully blow the doors off of the original if all goes well. :) One thing for example will be that any places that Rovert has to go through won't be so hidden, for one.

As far as High Rollers goes, no it's all luck just like real dice. I made the top item nice, but not intergal, since some people might not get it. Others have though, it's really just a... roll of the dice! (haw haw)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:18
by SFault
OT: Seems, like we have an active game developer on the board now. How about if someone asks him nicely we might finally get our #First official interview#.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:59
by Chroelle
We already have our first interview on the site. Death Worm. Look to the right on the frontpage. And we have an interview waiting to get posted by the Hurrican developers.
But no doubt Hasslevania will get an interview too at some point.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 15:18
by SFault
Whoops.. missed it totally :(

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 19:25
by Chroelle
Thats ok. It was featured in the newsletter :D
(I think a lot of people missed it...)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:27
by Del_Duio
I really like to blab and carry on and on, just to warn you. :)

I'll cooperate with you guys for Hasslevania for whatever you need, short of the source code, sprite sheets, and the rights for the thing.

I'm trying to go "on tour" with it a bit, like a band that just put out a new record and plays out to support it, so anything will help us all.

I'm psyched about the sequel too, damnit I wish it were done right now so I could play it lol.

P.S: That naked santa disturbs me to no end everytime I see it :shock:

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 14:25
by Chroelle
Its part of the christmas avatar contest on the site. I will change back after the contest is over. Or maybe to something else... (Something less comfortable...) :lol:

You can read about the contest here:

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 17:49
by Chroelle
I have now placed my vote on Hasslevania too, so only one more vote is needed, and I have a feeling that is just around the bend.

I must say I had some issues with the game, but they are just my personal oppinion.
The game has alot of features that I really loved. The graphics I found to be very appealing, and the bad voice-overs were actually quite fun (not haha but still).
The hearts system annoyed me (but I know it is essential, just not me), and the fact that I never knew where to go to next. I kept finding new areas that led me nowhere. But I gave it a good score because I like the game. The issues where simply little nagging things.