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Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 19:42
by Chroelle
Since I am writing my blog on a pretty steady weekly schedule, I consider mysels as still writing. There is a good chance that I will convert the blog into a book at some point, and since I am closing in on 120 articles there is enough of a read to make a book.

I am still hoping to write at least 2 different books at some point during the next 10 years - one of my speciality and one fictional. I am still considering making a childrens book series with a somewhat unique concept.
And I still need someone to draw the art for the book...

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:23
by eMTe
One of my FB "friends" would be perfect for the job, but I doubt this will be the economical option.

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:47
by Chroelle
I am sure you are right. But lets not throw out that option just yet, since I am not going to work on it right now, but later in life. I also have a friend who could be an option, but she already works with drawing at a company, so I am not sure she is allowed to do something outside her work.

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:43
by Railwaymodeler
Well, it's nearing 2 AM again. As my dad told me, when you have kids, particularly a daughter, don't expect any real amounts of sleep for the next 18 years.

He's right: As a baby, they keep you awake, and you learn to take catnaps.

I suppose later we may get some amounts of sleep as the concern is of Skoda playing when she should be sleeping.

Teenage years: Sleep? What is sleep? Could you explain the concept again? Sounds vaguely familiar.
Then again, we may just end up building a fortress compound, with tactical weapons, missile launchers, a moat, everything, that can arm itself and be ready when teenage boys come withing 5,000 feet of the place! Heck, might just have to have a small air force, capable of being scrambled with 5 minutes notice!

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 0:35
by Chroelle
I am now sitting here alone after putting Tanja to bed, after she fell asleep on the couch. Anna has a friend sleeping over, and her cousin was here until halfan hour ago.Hewas great with the girls, but they were being a pain.I thinkI actually screamed my head off for a second there, when they had made the neighbour kid cry (he is older, and the sweetest boy you have ever met - he is not a goody-two-shoes just extremely likeable) and 3 minutes later they climbed the couch to look over the half-wall we built so the kids wouldn't fall to the ground floor from the second floor.Which was the exact same thing they did (and got yelled at for) when the friend stayed here the last time. Oh, The many joys of fatherhood.

Did I mention that Molly has a fever, and that I havent ben able to fall asleep in the last 5 days.Today I decided to do something about lying in bed rolling around not sleeping... I am gonna stay up for a while- So here I am. :)

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:54
by Pater Alf
I'm working night-shift this week. And my crappy work computer isn't able to run "SpaceChem" properly. So I guess I will spend the time with "Decker", "Doom, the Roguelike" and "Picross Media" again (which are all perfect night-shift games).

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:38
by Railwaymodeler
Didn't sleep last night, partly due to the excitement of the trains Maria and I brought home, but also around 4 AM Skoda started crying off and on. Seems the weather is changing a bit, and she must have felt it too.

Now tonight my back and knee hurt real bad. Only 8:40 PM, but I'm hurting pretty bad. Wondering if I'll be able to get comfortable enough to sleep tonight, or if Skoda will be cranky again...

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:14
by eMTe
I've finished writing my book and I'm excited. :D

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:35
by Railwaymodeler
How big is the book? Is it digital, possible to add to the forums as an attachment or something? I don't read or speak languages other than English, but Google can help with that.

Half hour past midnight. Back and knee hurt too bad to sleep. Maria has rubbed my knee and back for me a few times. Helps a bit, but not much.

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:33
by Chroelle
Well I got another weekends worth of feeling good about myself done. Got some grass sown, sanded some boards which then completes the addict (storage room, not junkie) I built in our bedroom. I also got time to play with both my girls individually, and that is in spite of me being out till 1.30 last night, drinking, dancing and screaming my lungs out with singing and laughing. And to top it off, tomorrow I am doing this years first run - official one that is. Its only a 5k run, but still. Next weekend is the big one 13.31.

But why am I up so late then... well it all comes down to habit. Usually when I have been working hard and/or doing lots of stuff outside, then we tug in the kids and watch a movie or some episodes of one our fav shows - but tonight we didn't get dinner until 8, which was take-away that me and Anna got - past her bedtime already there. We then sat down and cozied up watching some phineas and Ferb movie. Then I made her ready for bed, whileTanja cleaned up after the dinner. I thentook a shower while Tanja was sitting with Anna, who couldn't sleep.One shave and shower later (at 9.30) I changed the sheets and went down to check on Tanja - and she was asleep in Annas bed. So I sent her to bed, and now my routine is all warped... :)

I have been building a playlist for my run tomorrow, watched a crappy movie, but still I am wide awake. I think I will play the ultimate card, and turn the tv off, and pick up my book. That should do it. :)

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:12
by Railwaymodeler
Storage room, usually in the roof of a house: attic. Phonetically sounds very similar, particularly right now for me, as I am a bit congested.

Not middle of the night here yet, but could be posting later - feeling a bit under the weather, woke up three times last night.

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:16
by eMTe
Railwaymodeler wrote:How big is the book? Is it digital, possible to add to the forums as an attachment or something? I don't read or speak languages other than English, but Google can help with that.
It's really nothing special. My excitement comes from the fact that after many years I managed to grasp myself and I gave vague shape to my, usually chaotic and emotional, writing. It's short (76 pages of rough copy) and hardly translatable. :wink:

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:05
by Zyx
I usually have no problem sleeping, but last night I just couldn't get to sleep so I ended up on the internet arguing about computer power supplies' capacitors, which I don't anything about.

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:23
by Railwaymodeler
1:15 AM here. Weather is changing, and my joints are telling me all about it.

Skoda is at her Grandma's house for tonight and possibly tomorrow night. Maria's mother wanted to take care of her for a couple nights. Maria was wearing out, as was I. Now we get a quiet night and the weather will not let me sleep.

Maria is sound asleep, though. Took my laptop into the living room to let her have her peace - I am a little heavy on the keys at time, and this keyboard tends to be a bit noisy. Planning to replace it: Missing five key caps (Four unimportant keys, plus the left shift key. When I was a kid, I wore out the left shift key on my Macintosh keyboard. Learned to use the right one till I got another ADB keyboard. Still can use either to this day!). See, this is a silver keyboard, and when Maria and I are on the road heading north in the morning, the sun shines on the right side of the car, and reflects badly on the key caps. They do offer a black keyboard as an aftermarket part, I hope it is quieter too!

Been deep in thought too. Before coming to the living room, I sat on the edge of the bed, holding Maria's hand while she sleeps. Amazing she and I are together at times. With American society becoming a "throwaway" society, where people replace, rather than fix, very, very few couples would have gone through together what we did, and stayed together. She had been put through hell by the bus line, and they put me through hell as well. But, as Sir Winston Churchill said "If you're going through hell, keep going". We found what awaits on the other side!

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 15:36
by Chroelle
That is the reason that alot of our friends always said that Tanja and I will never divorce - we have been through too much to not last the distannce. :)

It was the middle of the night when Anna woke up this past night. I had already been up with Molly a couple of times, but that only took a few minutes, and then I could go back to bed. Ann however wet her bed, and so I had to change sheets, wash her down, and change her nightgown. Unfortunately our roof is leaking, and due to that we have put a tarpaulin over it. The recent windy weather have broken quite a few of the metal-rings in the tarpaulin and ropes, so its blowing about a lot, and making a lot of noise, and as it was raining at the same time, the noise was unbearable and neither Anna nor I could fall asleep for an hour...

Today I am WASTED!

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 15:42
by Zyx
Chroelle wrote:Today I am WASTED!
wasted [wey-stid] adj.
1. done to no avail; useless
2. physically or psychologically exhausted; debilitated.
3. Slang. overcome by the influence of alcohol or drugs

I take it it's not the third definition.

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 16:40
by Chroelle
Then I better put the whisky away. :)

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 22:21
by Pater Alf
Come on, you don't have to be shy in this cosy little inn. Just confess your little sins... :shots:

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 23:24
by Scythe
I wasn't drunk when I did it, but I did get drunk afterwards.

Re: It's the middle of the night

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:59
by Railwaymodeler
Almost 2 AM here. Severe thunderstorm earlier and the temperature cooling quickly (Got near 70 degrees fahrenheit recently. For the end of October, that is strange). Back and knee hurt, and my right shoulder is in the worst pain. So, naturally, I am awake. Again.

Skoda is sound asleep. Maria is asleep. I can't sleep. I've noticed lately that Loki, our cat, seems to play a part in running the family. Skoda falls asleep best when Loki is in her crib with her. Once Skoda is sleeping, Loki will go find Maria and I if we don't ourselves go to bed shortly after. Right now, I have Loki pawing at my legs, looking at me, and meowing. When she does this, she seems to be saying "It's bedtime". So we have an alarm cat. Except this one does not wake us up, it tells us when to go to bed. Generally, when Maria and I go to bed for the night, Loki jumps up onto the bed and curls up with us unless Skoda wakes. Then she goes and lays near her.

That cat is pretty darned smart!