Since I buy it for money, of course I am looking for a reasonable price/power ratio. But. Since quite a portion of my stationary computer usage is dedicated to retro gaming, I was afraid most modern os (Windows 11) might create issues with WinUAE (as an Amiga guy, I use WinUAE heavily).
Apparently it does not, but in a meantime of getting an answer I began to ponder on XP
I just love my dying XP, it's one of the bestest thing that happened to 90/2000s human. It was in operation longer athan any other OS (in operation = quite functional).
Would you agree. Or is it just nostalgia taking over me. OG/CWF all happened on XP. I still use the same monitor, from registering on OG in 2004 towards the wildest drunken post-internet posts. So it may be a bias. But objectively, was it
good OS
perfect OS
interesting OS