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by eMTe
Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:36
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: The Quantum Square 2029.
Replies: 0
Views: 7975

The Quantum Square 2029.

The garbage truck continues (suggested: continental) its way down the street.

Dreams, thoughts, thugs, idiomatics, relatomats and street sexomats. We are there.

Sun and Mercury.
by eMTe
Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:27
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: What if there is infinite number of existing particles
Replies: 0
Views: 6837

What if there is infinite number of existing particles

(...) not the infinite number of existing Universes.

Eat this, folk:

Infinite number of existing particles (of which we as finite humans created fake chains of understanding) makes the number of existing Universes growing from gazillions to gadzookmillions.

Not only now every existing Universe is ...
by eMTe
Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:20
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: eMTe's world of Freethought (but beyond)
Replies: 0
Views: 6303

eMTe's world of Freethought (but beyond)

Here's the idea to discuss: (now some of you may be accustomed to my, not always coherent ideas and forum posts over the years, but this is 200% sober and in development)

Recently (2 years of observation and going, the phenomenon may be growing inside me for a longer period) I have discovered a ...
by eMTe
Sat Sep 16, 2023 3:40
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: Poet's Corner
Replies: 134
Views: 193790

Re: Poet's Corner

Lets bang around the drum
Circle the blackening, the blackened sun

Lets bang around the drum
Circle the blackening, the blackened sun

Lets bang around the drum
Circle the blackening/blackened sun

Hold tight your knee
Close to the thigh

Hold tight your knee
Close to the drum
by eMTe
Sat Sep 09, 2023 1:02
Forum: Freeware games
Topic: A Second Face
Replies: 7
Views: 12029

Re: A Second Face

Ive returned to Eye of Geltz, one of the most evocative freeware adventure games created during the Golden Period of Freeware.

Thing with these games is, is they lack polish of commercial games, but puzzle-wise are not easier to beat.

by eMTe
Mon Jul 10, 2023 0:30
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: Poet's Corner
Replies: 134
Views: 193790

Re: Poet's Corner

Fly a little plane of yourself
Drive a little boat of yourself

Walk down a little alley of yourself

Towards the little self of yourself

On a pedestal you will find a vessel
Decorated with pine branches
And overhead power line motives

Lie naked on your back and listen to the 4
Let 4 invite 8
by eMTe
Fri May 26, 2023 2:16
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: Poet's Corner
Replies: 134
Views: 193790

Re: Poet's Corner

There were words of love and death
That were better left unsaid

Chains of phatoms

Pinetree in a man's disguise

She held my hand with all her might
She held her head with all her might
We've crossed Cold Lake of Otherside
by eMTe
Fri May 12, 2023 3:00
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: Poet's Corner
Replies: 134
Views: 193790

Re: Poet's Corner

Oh you unfortunate god
Your destiny is to abandon the prize

Cut zero to half
Forget the one
by eMTe
Wed May 10, 2023 2:15
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: The little Inn by the wayside
Replies: 3746
Views: 2586460

Re: The little Inn by the wayside

How about GK1 locations now, then?
by eMTe
Fri May 05, 2023 2:12
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: What Are You Listening To?
Replies: 156
Views: 218336

Re: What Are You Listening To?


Ive checked if my YT channel is still around (you never know what might happen) and if this video has received any comments.

Of course not, as the band which developed this gem is an oddity even for Polish artistic standards. Blues/folk comedy group (?!) producing songs which are ...
by eMTe
Fri Apr 14, 2023 2:05
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: The little Inn by the wayside
Replies: 3746
Views: 2586460

Re: The little Inn by the wayside


I will keep the retro vibe alive no matter fluctuations.

Including New Orleans/Gabriel Knight inspired trip, for anyone from Europe or Australia interested.
by eMTe
Mon Apr 10, 2023 12:34
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: Cinema
Replies: 477
Views: 451439

Re: Cinema

Recently, I watch - from time to time - classic movies, that I have forgotten. Ive discovered, that while I have watched many of them and know some of them by heart, to the point of quoting whole scenes from memory, some I have just "checked" in my book. Ive watched them, so if someone asks me "have ...
by eMTe
Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:06
Forum: Nostalgia
Topic: Is Windows XP the best OS ever made
Replies: 2
Views: 7250

Re: Is Windows XP the best OS ever made

Observational thing is, xp is sort of becoming a generation issue. Not widely recognized by sociologists, because its still too early, but.

I still support my own (who wouldnt) wild hypothesis that EVERYTHING that happened during xp rise to power period will be distinguished as An Era by future ...
by eMTe
Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:29
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: The little Inn by the wayside
Replies: 3746
Views: 2586460

Re: The little Inn by the wayside

Pater Alf!!

by eMTe
Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:28
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: Changes. Changes never change.
Replies: 9
Views: 20828

Re: Changes. Changes never change.

Thankgod Im an oldtimey drunken spambot.

These new bots, they dont have a HEART.
by eMTe
Sat Mar 04, 2023 4:34
Forum: General Gaming Discussion
Topic: Why are rpg games so stupid?
Replies: 1
Views: 6426

Why are rpg games so stupid?

No matter if you play an early roguelike or advanced incarnation of The Witcher

You always start as sb young/stupid/unskilled/untrained etc

and with time and practice you "learn" to overcome those higher on power ladder

While the basic idea is interesting and playable

my thought is, it has ...
by eMTe
Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:24
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: Poet's Corner
Replies: 134
Views: 193790

Re: Poet's Corner

Vertical lines horizontal lines
Vertical vibes horizontal vibes

Axis! stupid

Your tongue is twisted
Tries to lick the armpit
Instead of making an air circle
While your daddy is watching

The: eternal growdom


Well, it's old and not much different from others; Ive just found it elsewhere. But ...
by eMTe
Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:09
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: The little Inn by the wayside
Replies: 3746
Views: 2586460

Re: The little Inn by the wayside

On another note, to whoever reads it.

Before we all (and Sun, soon) die, you should still feel free to meet other members of OG/Blackdiam/CWF.

Offline (oh no!!).

For no logical reasons. One thing is sure, I am dada. You wont earn or lose money on meeting me. It will be as boring as meeting a ...
by eMTe
Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:09
Forum: The Village Square
Topic: Poet's Corner
Replies: 134
Views: 193790

Re: Poet's Corner

Middle finger pointer finger
Pointer finger middle finger

Eye for an ear

Yes my mother clearly said

trembles waiting path
by eMTe
Mon Jan 30, 2023 22:20
Forum: Freeware games
Topic: The Oracle
Replies: 4
Views: 7845

Re: The Oracle

Sometime at (on?) late October or early November of 2022 I've finished the game. No use of walkthroughs.

Decent take on Lost in Time aesthetics and gameplay.