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Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 23:01
by Chroelle
Yes I know... It sounds like I dipped to deep in the bottle again, but no.

I am starting to let Anna use my computer to go to a specific children friendly game-site (no not CWF - that has way too much porn (for her - not me :P )) and I have found so many other game-sites recently that I wanted to make a place where she could go and find all these without having her play around on my computer and doing unwanted stuff.
I want her to be able to have links to games, programs and websites all in one place. I just dont want to have her getting a user, that will then require me to choose user as I turn on the PC. It takes forever to startup, and I normally turn it on, then go do the dishes or something and then return to sit down and do stuff. I would hate to turn it on and then having to wait for it to give me the choice between my user or Annas...

I stumbled onto some years ago, and never really used it, but I would like to have something like it. Does anyone know of a solution or program??

Re: Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 23:04
by eMTe
Program - no, but as for other solutions Id say: buy her a compy. ;)

Re: Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 23:13
by Chroelle
Well she is still only 4, so I think I will wait, but dont worry - I did think of that. :)
I am currently considering buying a laptop myself for my company, so I can bring stuff everywhere, but I am not sure if I want to buy 2. :)

Re: Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 14:39
by Drasir-Vel
If you use windows XP, you can use TweakUi to make windows log on automatically to a specific account, even if there are more than one account. Then you can change user after its logged on and loaded all the startup programs.

Also, if you're using chrome: ... mjhokobgmh
There are probably similar things for the other browsers too.

Re: Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 16:48
by Chroelle
TweakUi sounds like something I could use. Perhaps I should give it a try. It does however come with a warning that only powerusers should use this program - which always gets my selfconfidence shook up a bit. What if I screw something up - then all of a sudden I cannot consider myself a poweruser anymore... :cry:

Re: Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 17:54
by Chroelle
Now I did that and of some weird reason sound does not work on my daugthers user... Weird. Everything seems to be alright when I look at it, and I checked that it worked on my own user, and there was no problem...

Re: Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:10
by Railwaymodeler
The real question, to me, here is: Why does your computer take so long to load Windows?

You sound like you're using Windows XP. My experience with XP is that while the "official" system requirements are an Intel Pentium II 266 MHz CPU with 64 MB of RAM, I have gotten it to work on a Pentium I 200 MHz CPU with 192 MB RAM. Not very fast, but it works on something that old.

Now, when I ran such a test machine, I had it started up faster than you described.

I am going to assume you have something much newer than a Pentium I or Pentium II.

Done any virus or malware scans lately? What protection are you using?

Re: Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:03
by Drasir-Vel
with autoruns you can see what programs, services and whatnot starts up with Windows ... s/bb963902

Also defragment harddisk: stert menu> alle programmer> tilbehør> systemværktøjer> diskdefragmentering.

Re: Making a user in windows without making it a user...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 20:47
by Chroelle
I defragment once a month, but I have just had the same computer for some years now, and installed all kinds of crap on it, and then not kept things too tidy - resulting in lots of stuff hanging around not really necessary, and me never finding the time to do some real proper cleaning. Mostly because I have just short of 2 TB's worth of data that needs to be moved around if I want to do some real cleaning. I have already made a system as to how to keep my next PC cleaner. (And with Win7 that gets ALOT easier).

Oh and I figured out why the sound didn't work o her user. Sound was set to Stereo - which was correct, but what I missed was that there was also a setting called STEREO HEADPHONES, and since I have no speakers connected and only headphones then that threw me... :)